IAP 2001 Schedule for Sat Jan 20
08:00 AM
Habitat for Humanity Workdays (to 04:30 PM) meet near Chapel
09:00 AM
Renaissance Clothing Workshop: Late Period Shirts and Chemises (to 09:00 PM) West Lounge, W20
09:30 AM
Figure Skating Lessons (to 10:00 AM) Johnson Rink
10:00 AM
Basic Photography (to 03:00 PM) W20-429
Introduction to Change Ringing in the Tower (to 01:00 PM) meet in lobby 7
Solar Car Restoration Project: Aztec (to 05:00 PM) 7 Emily St. Lab
10:15 AM
Ice Dancing Lessons (to 10:45 AM) Johnson Rink
12:00 PM
Improve Your Technique (to 09:00 PM) W20-451
01:00 PM
Listening Skills Workshop Location unavailable
MITV/SCG "Who Wants to Win Just About Anything but a Million Dollars" Marathon (to 05:30 PM) 9-034
07:00 PM
LSC IAP Movie Schedule: Life Is Beautiful (to 09:00 PM) MIT Room 26-100
Star Light, Star Bright (to 11:00 PM) W-11, SDR
08:00 PM
Roadkill Buffet Presents: The IAP Show! (to 10:00 PM) MIT Room 6-120
10:00 PM
LSC IAP Movie Schedule: Life Is Beautiful (to 12:00 AM) MIT Room 26-100
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Comments to iap-www@mit.edu
Listing generated: 31-Jan-2001