Medical School at MIT?
Daniel C. Shannon
Tue Jan 6, 12-01:00pm, E25-101
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 05-Jan-2004
Single session event
Yes... MIT joined with Harvard University and Harvard Medical School in 1970 to form the "Health Sciences and Technology" (HST) Program. HST's Medical Sciences curriculum leads to an M.D. degree from Harvard Medical School. Classes are given both at MIT and Harvard, and students in this program are registered as graduate students at at both institutions. This program is oriented toward students with strong interests in a career in biomedical research. Typically half of those students who matriculate majored in biological sciences and half in physical sciences. In this information session, Dr. Shannon will present and discuss all aspects of the MD program. Please email address below to sign up.
Contact: Diana Minasian, E25-519, x3-4393,
Sponsor: Health Sciences & Technology
Latest update: 16-Dec-2003