Charm School 2004
Linda Noel, Charm School Coordinator, Tom Robinson
Fri Jan 30, 12-05:30pm, W20
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Prereq: None
How do I ask for a date? Should I speak to strangers when riding in an elevator? At what point in an interview should I ask about salary range? Can I use my cell phone in a restaurant? Etiquette-related subjects will be taught in an informal, fun atmosphere at Charm School. No pre-registration is required; students are free to choose from the many topics offered. The most ambitious students may earn "charm credits" towards a formal Charm School degree. Degrees will be awarded at the Charm School Commencement from 4:30-5:00 in the Student Center lobby, which will be followed by the 3rd annual Fashion Show. All members of the MIT community are encouraged to attend all events.
Contact: Linda Noel, Charm School Coordinator, W20-549, x3-5369,
Sponsor: Division of Student Life
Latest update: 02-Oct-2003