Marxism Today
Felix Kreisel
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: Read the World Socialist Web Site at
The new world order is characterized by political instability throughout the world, an aggressive eruption of American imperialism, economic stagnation in advanced capitalist countries, desperation and chaos in much of the Third World and social regression in the former "socialist" states. These classes will present a Marxist perspective on some of the major issues in contemporary politics.
Contact: Felix Kreisel, 1-132, x3-8625,
Sponsor: Felix Kreisel, NW21-207, 617 253-8625,
The role of the World Socialist Web Site and Iskra Research
Felix Kreisel
A presentation of the World Socialist Web Site, a daily Marxist news journal available in many languages, and Iskra Research, a Russian language Marxist publisher in print and on the web. Suggested reading:
Wed Jan 14, 06-08:00pm, 1-132
Russia's Capitalist Decade
Felix Kreisel
Balance sheet of twelve years of capitalist restoration in the former Soviet Union. Economic and social collapse in Russia and the drift to dictatorship.
Wed Jan 21, Fri Jan 30, 06-08:00pm, 1-132
The 1917 Russian Revolution: Was Socialism Doomed?
Felix Kreisel
We shall examine the Russian Revolution of 1917 within the context of world capitalism. Suggested reading: Trotsky's "History of the Russian Revolution" and "The Revolution Betrayed."
Wed Jan 28, 06-08:00pm, 1-132
Global eruption of American imperialism and the muzzling of the media
Bill Vann WSWS editorial board
Collapse of the Soviet bloc in 1989-1991 has "liberated" American imperialism from its previous constraints. The drive to a new empire requires the destruction of democracy at home.
Fri Jan 30, 06-08:00pm, 1-132
Latest update: 31-Oct-2003