What is Student Loan Consolidation?
Eleanor Wolcott, Jocelyn Heywood
Tue Jan 6, Thu Jan 15, 12-02:00pm, 2-143
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Repeating event. Participants welcome at any session
Students have an opportunity to lock in the current low interest rate on loans. You are able to consolidate all your federal loans into one, securing the current rate and easing future repayment hassles. How do I do this? To find out, the loan counselors in Student Financial Services will be offering a general information session. We will discuss what loan consolidation is, why you would or would not want to consolidate and what programs are available to you.
Contact: Eleanor Wolcott, 11-320, x3-4007, ewolcott@mit.edu
Sponsor: Student Financial Services
Latest update: 04-Nov-2003