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IAP 2004 Activity

An Exploration of the Design Process
Peter C. Sugar, AIA Ann Beha Architects, Boston
Mon Jan 5, Wed Jan 7, Fri Jan 9, 10am-12:00pm, 7-338 Lg.Stella Room

Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Limited to 20 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: Recom. for students in final year of architecture, or alums

Explore the design process. Issues to be covered include: the definition of the process; the design idea - first thoughts; theory, aesthetics and constructability: the transformation of the idea; technology, details and pitfalls; material selection and appropriateness; construction documentation, specification and workmanship; the construction process; the players; checking and verification of the intent; and the final product.
Contact: Annette Horne-Williams, 7-337, x3-7387, ahwill@MIT.EDU
Sponsor: Architecture
Latest update: 14-Nov-2003

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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