The Frequency of Your Nervous System Determines How You Think, Act, and Feel
Dr. Kim Luzzi Radiant Life Chiropractic
Wed Jan 28, 12-01:15pm, 2-105
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Our central nervous system is composed of our brain and spinal cord. The tone of our spinal cord dictates how we percieve the world. When our spinal cord is flexible, our body is at ease and we make flexible choices. When our spinal cord is rigid and inflexible our body's chemistry is altered, stress chemicals are released, and our thoughts are inflexible. Dr. Luzzi will discuss how the spinal cord holds five characteristic phases of tension. When this occurs we use more of our lower brain centers which are concerned with survival. As we change the frequency of these patterns of tension in the spinal cord, we move from defense into growth. We are then able to use our higher brain centers and live from a higher level of our humanity.
Contact: Daniel T. Barkowitz, 11-320, x8-5612,
Sponsor: Student Financial Services
Latest update: 04-Nov-2003