Scrapbooking II
Penny Sloane
Thu Jan 15, Wed Jan 28, 06-08:00pm, E25-117
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 13-Jan-2004
Limited to 10 participants.
Repeating event. Participants welcome at any session
Fee: 5.00 for materials and supplies used in class
If you're already familiar with scrapbooking or just want to get more ideas, come to this session and learn how to add pizzazz to your photos and album pages by using of all the speed tools to make ovals, circles, diamonds, hearts, ribbons, waves, rings, squares, and hexagons. You’ll also learn how to mat your photos and how to make quick, cool borders for your album pages. Bring your photos and your album (or purchase an album through instructor), and a materials fee of five dollars. When you sign up, please indicate which date you'd like to attend.
Contact: Penny Sloane, E19-351, x3-3838,
Sponsor: Penny Sloane, E19-341, 617 253-3838,
Latest update: 12-Nov-2003