What's in a Map?
Prof. Leon Trilling, Prof. Wesley Harris, Dr. Michael Stiefel
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
This activity is co-sponsored by the Aero/Astro Department and the Program in Science, Technology, and Society.
Contact: Prof. Leon Trilling, E51-093, x3-7481, trilling@mit.edu
Sponsor: Science,Technology & Society
Prof. Leon Trilling, Prof. Wesley Harris, Dr. Michael Stiefel
Tue Jan 20, 02-05:00pm, 33-419
What is a Topographic Map?
Prof. Leon Trilling, Prof. Wesley Harris, Dr. Michael Stiefel
Maps have been used for centuries to help people locate themselves on this earth and to help travelers reach their destinations by providing a picture of the surface of the earth. The participants in this IAP Activity will examine how maps are made, what instruments and reference frames are needed, what distortions are inherent in them, and what symbolic languages are designed to describe selected features of the terrain.
Tue Jan 20, 02-05:00pm, 33-419
Prof. Leon Trilling, Prof. Wesley Harris, Dr. Michael Stiefel
Thu Jan 22, 02-05:00pm, 33-419
Can Social Systems Be Mapped Like Geographic Regions?
Prof. Leon Trilling, Prof. Wesley Harris, Dr. Michael Stiefel
Maps describe relationships -- e.g. between places. Can we design similar graphics to explain how social systems function and thus understand how we might achieve a social or personal objective; for example how to navigate our way through four years at MIT to get an education?
Thu Jan 22, 02-05:00pm, 33-419
Latest update: 21-Jan-2004