Why Don't We Vote?: A Series on Voting and Electoral Reform
Gregory Dennis
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Why don't we vote? Voter turnout in recent elections has reached record lows. This series will explore the reasons behind the political disengagement and proposals for creating fairer elections that will increase voter turnout.
Web: http://www.mit.edu/~greens/
Contact: Gregory Dennis, NE43-405, (617) 835-9161, gdennis@mit.edu
Sponsor: MIT Greens
Clean Money, Clean Elections
Federico Rivera, Massachusetts Voters for Clean Elections
Clean Elections reduces the influence of special interest money and provides a level playing field by offering qualified candidates a limited and equal amount of public funds.
Wed Jan 7, 04-06:00pm, 4-231
Latest update: 31-Oct-2003