(Non)identity in Inflectional Paradigms
Donca Steriade, Asaf Bachrach, Andrew Nevins
Mon Jan 5, Tue Jan 6, Wed Jan 7, 09am-06:30pm, 2-105
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
The workshop asks the following questions:
Can the phonological form of items within a paradigm be predicted:
(I) purely by underlying shared morphosyntactic features (e.g. Jakobsonian case features, inflectional class) or (II) by phonologically-based preferences for identity/non-identity
We plan to bring together researchers addressing these questions from different theoretical frameworks (Output to Output correspondence, in the context of OT; as against Distributed Morphology); also researchers looking at different domains of facts (experimental work; phonological analysis of morphologically complex expressions; syntactic analysis)
As the idea of this workshop is to promote discussion, talks will be allotted more time than usual (40 to 50 minutes) with ample discussion time and possibly pre-arranged discussants.
Contact: Donca Steriade, E39-319, 253-3129, steriade@mit.edu
Sponsor: Linguistics and Philosophy
Latest update: 30-Oct-2003