Favorite Poem Project
John Hildebidle
Wed Jan 7, Tue Jan 13, 07-10:00pm, 10-250
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
When he was Poet Laureate of the US, Robert Pinsky devised the "Favorite Poem Project," in which a wide variety of non-academic folks were invited to choose a poem that they especially liked, and then read it aloud into a video camera for showing on PBS. We will undertake our own local version. All members of the MIT community (staff, students, faculty, administration) should arrive on Wednesday Jan 7 to see a video of the Pinsky Project, and then return on Tuesday Jan 13, prepared to offer their reading. No entrance fee, no prescriptions as to size or character, no defense or elaboration called for. Just come, read, and listen.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/lit/www
Contact: John Hildebidle, 14N-434, x3-4452, jjhildeb@mit.edu
Sponsor: Literature
Latest update: 16-Dec-2003