Information Session -- Mars Gravity Biosatellite Program
Audrey Schaffer
Tue Jan 6, Thu Jan 8, Mon Jan 12, Wed Jan 14, 07-08:00pm, 41-116
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Repeating event. Participants welcome at any session
Become involved with a groundbreaking space mission! The Mars Gravity Biosatellite Program will study the effects of Martian-level gravity on mammals by launching a small biosatellite containing a payload of mice that will be exposed to partial gravity for five weeks. The Mars Gravity Team is currently seeking interested students of all courses and levels of experience to become involved with the project, both during IAP and the Spring term. Opportunities exist in engineering, science, management, business development, and educational outreach areas, and include a variety of projects and management opportunities. If you are interested in joining our team, we welcome you to attend one of the information sessions.
Contact: Audrey Schaffer, 41-116, (617) 452-3309,
Sponsor: Satellite Engineering Team
Latest update: 31-Oct-2003