Friday Open Worksessions -- Mars Gravity Biosatellite
Audrey Schaffer
Fri Jan 9, 16, 23, 30, 10am-05:00pm, 41-116
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Repeating event. Participants welcome at any session
Experience first hand working on a student-driven space mission! The Mars Gravity Biosatellite Program will study the effects of Martian-level gravity on mammals by sending a payload of mice into low-earth orbit, exposing the mice to partial gravity for five weeks, and returning the mice safely to earth to study the effects of reduced gravity. Each Friday, we are opening our doors to any interested student to work side by side with our team on current projects. Come by the Mars Gravity lab, and help out on the project of your choosing. Stop by anytime!
Contact: Audrey Schaffer, 41-116, (617) 452-3309,
Sponsor: Satellite Engineering Team
Latest update: 31-Oct-2003