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IAP 2004 Activity

What's new in Mac OS X 10.3 "Panther"?
Eric Zelman , Apple Computer
Fri Jan 16, 09-11:00am, N42 Demo Center

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event

Join Apple Systems Engineer Eric Zelman for a review of some of Mac OS X 10.3's eye-catching new features- Finder, Exposé, iChat AV, Fast User Switching, enhanced Windows support, enhanced X11 support, PostScript and PDF printing improvements, Kerberos support in Mail, AFP, SMB and SSH, support for single sign-on and more.
Contact: Sarah Hickok, N42-240a, x3-7685, hickok@mit.edu
Sponsor: Information Systems
Latest update: 31-Oct-2003

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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