MIT’S Model Environment, Health and Safety Management System
Professor David H. Marks, James T. Curtis, P.E., LSP, Tom A. Pedersen
Wed Jan 28, 02-04:00pm, E40-496
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 28-Jan-2004
Limited to 50 participants.
Single session event
Prereq: N/A
MIT is currently implementing a comprehensive Environment, Health & Safety Management System to serve as a model for large academic research institutions. The EHS-MS development and implementation project involves members of MIT's academic, staff and administration at multiple levels. This course will examine the process that MIT is using to build a sustainable management system that fulfills MIT's EHS Policy and focus on the organizational improvements and activities underway. At the end of this workshop participants will: 1) Understand MIT's EHS-MS project approach and what it means to them; 2) Recognize organizational changes issues that are part of management system projects; 3) Learn their role in sustaining the EHS-MS.
Contact: James T. Curtis, N52-496, x2-2508,
Sponsor: Laboratory for Energy and the Environment
Latest update: 31-Oct-2003