Defining Project Requirements in an Uncertain World
Mark W Brown, Stacy Scheingold
Tue Jan 20, 02-03:00pm, 9-057 LiNC
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Building a customized software application is a difficult process, because no one knows quite what the end product will become -- neither the client nor the development team. The focus of our presentation will be on our process for visually understanding what an application should look like, and building consensus between the client and the development team around it, in the most efficient way possible. In this talk, we'll give a quick overview of a specific web application that AMPS built for a client, and draw lessons from the project's successes.
Contact: Mark W Brown, 9-268, (617) 452-3490, mwbrown@MIT.EDU
Sponsor: Academic Media Production Services
Latest update: 03-Nov-2003