Cancer Prevention through Food Choices: What Recent Studies Say
Laura Dilley, Parthiv Shah, Dr. Michael Greger
Wed Jan 7, 11am-12:30pm, E25-111
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
A wealth of recent information suggests that 70% or more of all cancer cases are preventable. In a lively and entertaining talk, Dr. Michael Greger will present evidence that plant-based foods may block and even reverse the steps in cancerous tumor formation. Topics to be discussed include free radicals and antioxidants and their relation to aging, cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases. Specific cancers, such as breast and prostate cancer, will be profiled.
Michael Greger, M.D., is a physician specializing in nutrition and a nationally recognized speaker on important nutrition and public health issues. He is a graduate of Cornell University and Tufts Medical School.
Contact: Laura Dilley, Parthiv Shah, 36-549, x3-5957,
Sponsor: Vegetarian Group
Latest update: 18-Dec-2003