Astronomy at Wallace Observatory
Amanda Gulbis
Wed Jan 7, 02-03:00pm, 54-420, organizational meeting
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 05-Jan-2004
Limited to 3 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: 8.287J-12.410J or some observational astronomy experience
Individual research projects in observational astronomy, using the 24” telescope at Wallace Astrophysical Observatory in Westford, MA. Projects will involve preliminary work for observing stellar occultations by Kuiper belt objects. Observing opportunities include astrometric and photometric observations of possible stars that may be occulted by a Kuiper belt object.
Contact: Amanda Gulbis, 54-420, x3-1785,
Sponsor: Wallace Astrophysical Observatory
Latest update: 02-Nov-2003