Copper Cable Matching Optimization
Dr. Mitchell H. Burman, Dr. Timothy S. Kniker Analytics Operations Engineering, Inc.
Wed Jan 7, 10:30am-12:00pm, E40-106
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Developing OR models in industry can be intellectually challenging, frustrating, rewarding, but most of all fun. The modeling, however, is a surprisingly small component of the entire process. This talk describes a “real-life” implementation of an optimization algorithm that has been incorporated into the daily operations of a major wire and cable manufacturing company. The company has many thousands of reels of different product spread throughout six facilities across the country. When an order comes in, it must be decided from which facility and reel it should be cut in order to minimize the transportation, operations, and waste costs for the company, while still meeting the customer’s service requirements.
Contact: Yann Le Tallec, Ketty Tanizar, Kendell Timmers, E40-130, x3-7412, letallec@mit,edu,,
Sponsor: Operations Research Center
Latest update: 15-Dec-2003