Physics in Business-the Adventures of Two Course 8 Graduates in the Free Market
Jeff Trester and Jeff Evenson
Wed Jan 28, 01:30-02:30pm, 6-120
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Compare the different career paths of two men who graduated MIT in 1988 with degrees in physics. Jeff Trester is Co-Founder and Co-chief Executive Officer of Inc. Founded in 1997, uses "shopping bot" technology to allow on-line shoppers to compare product and price information. Jeff Evenson is a Partner in the Boston office of McKinsey & Company. He is a leader of McKinsey's High Tech practice and his clients include companies in communications equipment, semiconductors, electronic and optical materials, flat panel displays and the subset of drug discovery tools that result from effectively combining biology, physics and chemistry.
Contact: Maria Springer, 4-352, x3-4461, maria@MIT.EDU
Sponsor: Physics
Latest update: 19-Dec-2003