Powering the Future - Materials Science for the Energy Sources of the 21st Century: The Case of Hydrogen
Ion Bita
Wed Jan 7, Fri Jan 9, Thu Jan 15, 01-02:30pm, 8-314
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prof. Mildred Dresselhaus will open this series with two lectures on the material science research needed for enabling the much touted "Hydrogen Economy". As a former Director of the Office of Science at the DOE, and Chair of the 2003 Basic Energy Sciences Workshop on the basic research needs for the hydrogen economy, Professor Dresselhaus has an outstanding understanding of the potential of hydrogen as a future energy platform.
Projections of per capita energy needs for the 21st Century indicate that new technologies for sustainable energy production, storage, and use will need to be developed in the next 50 years. The so-called Hydrogen Economy is one such proposal that is presently being considered worldwide. The requirements of a hydrogen economy will be discussed in terms of production, storage and utilization (fuel cells), with emphasis given to the large gap between present science and technology knowhow and the requirements in efficiency and cost for a sustainable hydrogen economy. Opportunities for nanoscience and nanotechnology to narrow this gap will be discussed. Additional speakers include Professors Daniel Nocera and Jeff Tester. For an updated list please visit the website below.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/mrschapter/www/IAP/iap_2004.html
Contact: Ion Bita, 13-5122, 253-2063, ibita@mit.edu
Sponsor: Materials Science and Engineering
Latest update: 24-Dec-2003