HFES Special Seminar - Complex Systems Insights Relevant to Large Engineering Projects
Miwa Hayashi
Wed Jan 7, 11:30am-12:30pm, 4-270
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Speaker: Professor Yaneer Bar-Yam (NECSI) The failure of many large engineering projects to achieve design objectives or, if achieved, to be relevant once completed, has led over the past ten years to a reevaluation of traditional systems engineering. This presentation will introduce the concepts of multiscale analysis and evolutionary engineering that are currently driving dramatic changes in major government procurement programs. Specifically, it will describe some of the work being done in collaboration with the military and government systems engineers in reframing the role of systems engineering in addressing highly complex integrated real time systems in the context of rapidly changing requirements.
Contact: Miwa Hayashi, mhayashi@mit.edu
Sponsor: Human Factors & Ergonomics Society
Latest update: 24-Dec-2003