Synchronized Swimming
Tenley McHarg, MIT Synchronized Swimming Club
Tue Jan 20 thru Fri Jan 23, 11am-12:00pm, Z-Center Pool
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: Passed or able to pass MIT swim test.
Ever tried synchronized swimming before? Whether you're a synchro pro, or have only watched the sport on the olympics, or have never even heard of it, we would love to have you come swim with us for a week! Classes will be low-key, but will tend to build upon skills throughout the week. Come see what synchronized swimming at MIT is all about!
Contact: Tenley McHarg, (978) 790-0293,
Sponsor: Tenley D McHarg, 500 MEMORIAL DR, 617 225-8721,
Latest update: 05-Jan-2004