Howtoons "Build It" Party
Joost Bonsen, Saul Griffith
Mon Jan 5, 12, 19, 06-08:00pm, N52-115 MITERS
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Limited to 15 participants.
Repeating event. Participants welcome at any session
Prereq: Interest in K-8 science and engineering educ. & exploration
Help build prototype projects and draw draftoons for the Howtoons initiative. Howtoons are one-page cartoons which show 5-15 year old kids "how to" build things. We hope to translate these 'toons and distribute them to kids worldwide. Many example projects and 'toons and more info on the Howtoons website.
Contact: Joost Bonsen, 617.930.0415,
Sponsor: Joost P Bonsen,
Latest update: 15-Jan-2004