A Course on Spirituality
Hooman Katirai
Sun Jan 11, 07:30-09:30pm, Sydney&Pacif Rm 919 Sun Jan 18, 25, 07:30-09:30pm, TBA
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Though only 160 years old, the Bahai Faith is one of the newest of the World's Religions, listed in the Encyclopedia Britannica as having significant communities in more than 210 countries. Principles include the independent investigation of truth, the harmony of science and religion, the equality of men and women, and more. Over a potluck dinner and discussion, we explore the meaning of selected Bahai writings on a number of subjects including service to humanity, the spiritual life, the existence of the spirit and the life hereafter. Participants will complete the first book in a six-book series. Approximately 50% of attendees will be members of the Bahai Faith, and approximately 50% of attendees are looking to learn more about the Bahai Faith. The format, however, is such that Baha'is also learn a lot. Participants may drop in; however, we ask that you try to RSVP in advance so as sufficient number of workbooks will be available.
Contact: Courtney L. Craig, ruhi@mit.edu
Sponsor: MIT Bahai Association
Latest update: 15-Jan-2004