Learn Kendo - The Martial Art of the Samurai
Oskar Bruening
Wed Jan 21, 08:30-10:30pm, T-Club Lounge, Du Po Sun Jan 25, 10am-12:00pm, T-Club Lounge, Dupon Mon Jan 26, 09-11:00pm, T-Club Lounge, DuPon Wed Jan 28, 08:30-10:30pm, T-Club Lounge, Du Po
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Repeating event. Participants welcome at any session
The sword is an integral part of Japanese history. Before the mid-eighteenth century, the Samurai used real blades (shinken) or a wooden sword (boken or bokuto) to practice their sword skills. In the mid-eighteen century, Nakanishi Chuta created the bamboo practice sword (Shinai), allowing the swordsman to execute a full blow without fear of causing an injury. Kendo has remained fundamentally unchanged since then. Today, Kendo is a sport practiced by thousands of people around the world. It emphasizes on developing the mind, body, and spirit together. It also promotes strategic thinking, respect, discipline, and honor, traits that have made the Samurai peerless warriors. No previous experience required!!!
Web: http://web.mit.edu/kendo/www/
Contact: Kendo Club Officers, kendo_officers@mit.edu
Sponsor: MIT Kendo Club
Latest update: 21-Jan-2004