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IAP 2009 Activities by Sponsor


The Genocide in Film Series
Stephen Fried, Elan Pavlov, Beth Turner
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: None.

MIT-STAND (A Student anti-Genocide Coalition) and Amnesty International are sponsoring a film series focusing on awareness of genocide during IAP. The movies that we have selected highlight lesser-known episodes and aspects of genocide in modern history to illustrate that the phenomenon is not insulated or exclusive to a single group but a recurrent theme of our times that must be addressed in its various contexts.
NOTE: We recently changed the order of two of the films because of a technical difficulty -- sorry for any inconvenience.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/mit-stand/www/
Contact: Stephen Fried, sdfried@mit.edu
Cosponsor: Amnesty International

"Amen." (2002)
Stephen Fried, Elan Pavlov, Beth Turner
"Amen." (2002) examines the complex nature of Jews in Christian narratives, and what effect this had on the deteriorating position of European Jews in the 1940s. This film raises the question of complicity of the Catholic Church with the Holocaust.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0280653/
Wed Jan 14, 06-08:00pm, 6-120

"The Great Silence" (2007)
Stephen Fried, Elan Pavlov, Beth Turner
Since the late 1990s, more people have died in war-torn Congo than in any conflict since World War II. "The Great Silence: Rape in the Congo" (2007) exposes the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war in this perennially war-torn region.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1157650/
Wed Jan 21, 06-08:00pm, 6-120

"Las Madres de la Plaza" (1985)
Stephen Fried, Elan Pavlov, Beth Turner
"Las Madres de la Plaza" (1985) discusses the massive disappearances and kidnappings that occurred from 1976-1983 in Argentina during the tumultuous rise of a military dictatorship.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089460/
Wed Jan 28, 06-08:00pm, 6-120

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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