Lab Demo: Electron Microprobe Analysis on JEOL JXA-8200 Superprobe
Nilanjan Chatterjee
Fri Jan 8, 03-05:00pm, 54-1221
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
In this session you will have hands-on experience on our newly-upgraded Electron Microprobe with enhanced imaging capabilities. Learn about wavelength and energy dispersive spectrometry, backscattered electron, secondary electron, cathodoluminescence, and elemental x-ray imaging. This is a four-hour session for people unable to attend our detailed course on Electron Microprobe Analysis (12.141).
Contact: Nilanjan Chatterjee, 54-1216, x3-1995,
Sponsor: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Latest update: 03-Dec-2009