Kokikai Aikido IAP Practice
Sensei Dave Comi
Mon, Wed, Fri, Jan 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20, 23, 25, 27, 30, 1, 3, 07:15-09:00pm, Dupont Wrestling Rm
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Repeating event. Participants welcome at any session
Prereq: None
Interested in martial arts? Join us for Kokikai Aikido practice over the course of this IAP!
Aikido is a fluid martial art that turns an attacker's momentum against him. People of all ages and physical compositions can participate. You don't need to be big and strong to be effective.
Kokikai Aikido is a modern Japanese school of Aikido that focuses on efficient technique and emphasizes natural movement, ki development, relaxation, good posture and mind-body coordination.
MIT Kokikai Aikido is a fun club that teaches you to be stronger, more coordinated, flexible, balanced, and comfortable in the dojo and beyond.
Beginners are welcome at any class. Be sure to wear long workout pants and a long-sleeved shirt if possible. Practice is held in the DuPont (W32) Wrestling Room (on the second floor) from 7:15-9pm every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Web: http://web.mit.edu/kokikai/
Contact: Rachel VanCott, vancott@mit.edu
Sponsor: Kokikai Aikido Club
Latest update: 03-Jan-2012