MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2015 Activities by Sponsor - Joint Program/Science and Policy of Global Change

Joint Program IAP on Climate Science and Policy

Daniel Gilford

Enrollment: Limited: First come, first served (no advance sign-up)
Attendance: Participants welcome at individual sessions

In the first two two sessions, we’ll discuss fundamental features of the earth system and how they’re connected to each other (and to society).  Our exploration will revolve around aspects of climate and climate change, touching on the roles of the atmosphere, ocean, biosphere, and cryosphere in determining climate.  This science background will help contextualize the different global and local policies discussed in the Climate Policy lectures.

The next two sessions will outline how energy use and greenhouse gas emissions are linked to the world economy and the technologies we use, how climate change impacts affect us, and discuss mitigation and adaptation options and instruments. It will also survey policies in place at global, domestic, and community levels, and major challenges and opportunities as the world works toward coordinated action.

Last, we'll have a concluding session led by a panel of grad students designed to assist the navigation of climate science and policy news as it is reported in popular media outlets, demonstrating how to get to the details of the original, peer-reviewed research.

Sponsor(s): Joint Program/Science and Policy of Global Change
Contact: Robert Morris, E19-411, 617 324-7375, RHGMORR@MIT.EDU

Climate 101: Elements of Climate System

Add to Calendar Jan/26 Mon 01:00PM-03:00PM 4-237

History of climate science; radiation and the greenhouse effect; the hydrological cycle; land ecology and carbon storage; ocean ecology and heat transport; sea ice and ice sheets.

Jareth Holt, Daniel Gilford

Climate 102: Nonlinear Climate System

Add to Calendar Jan/29 Thu 01:00PM-02:00PM 4-237, TIME AND SCHEDULE CHANGE DUE TO STORM

Structure and detection of climate change; metrics of climate change and irreversible warming; climate sensitivity and feedbacks; weather extremes and other impacts; climate and earth system modeling; uncertainties and current research trends.

Daniel Gilford, Jareth Holt

Climate Policy 101, part 1

Add to Calendar Jan/29 Thu 02:00PM-03:00PM 4-237, TIME AND SCHEDULE CHANGE DUE TO STORM

Evaluating policy, basic economic concepts, policy instruments, technology, side effects.

Paul Kishimoto

Climate Policy 101, part 2

Add to Calendar Jan/30 Fri 01:00PM-01:30PM 4-237

The conclusion of yesterday's IAP discussion, Climate Policy 101, part 1

Paul Kishimoto

Climate Policy 102

Add to Calendar Jan/30 Fri 01:30PM-03:00PM 4-237, TIME AND SCHEDULE CHANGE DUE TO STORM

History, status and future of international (multi- and bi-lateral) policy negotiations, the road to Paris, sub-national discussions and other fora for making policy happen.

Amanda Giang

Open Q & A with Graduate Student Panel

Add to Calendar Jan/30 Fri 03:00PM-03:30PM 4-237, TIME AND SUBJECT CHANGE DUE TO STORM

Discuss all that you've learned in a Q & A Panel following the conclusion of Climate Policy 102

Jareth Holt, Daniel Gilford, Paul Kishimoto, Amanda Giang