MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2015 Activities by Sponsor - Toastmasters@MIT

Speechcraft (Speech Communication)

Kitty Huang, Copywriter, screenwriter, journalist and teacher

Enrollment: Limited: Advance sign-up required
Limited to 10 participants
Attendance: Participants are urged to attend all sessions, although it's not mandatory.

Speechcraft programs are short courses in public speaking that are offered by Toastmasters International for people not wishing to make the full commitment to join a Club.

How does this program work?

Class One: Introduction & Organize Your Thoughts

Objectives:Learn the skills to organize speech content. Arrange thoughts into a logical sequence that leads the audience to a clearly defined goal. Understand the practical use of speech communication and introduce the techniques in speech communications.

Class Two: Deliver Effective Presentations & First Speech

Objectives: Begin speaking before an audience. Benefit from evaluation to improve speaking skills. Start with self-introduction. Introduce a speaker effectively.

Class Three: Polish Communication Skills & Get to the Point

Objectives: Build a speech outline that includes opening, body, and conclusion. Select a speech topic and determine its general and specific purposes. Organize the speech in a manner that best achieves those purposes. Ensure the opening, body, and conclusion reinforces the purposes.

Class Four: Be an Influential Speaker & Your Body Speak

Objectives: Learn listening and speaking techniques. Use gestures and body movements as part of the speech delivery. Explore different ways to use body language. Develop a natural and smooth body movement. 

*Participants who attend all sessions will receive a Toastmaster's certificate.

Sponsor(s): Toastmasters@MIT
Contact: Keesler Welch, E53-307, 617-324-7174, KEESLER@MIT.EDU

Introduction & Organize Your Thoughts

Add to Calendar Jan/07 Wed 06:30PM-08:30PM E51 - TBD

Kitty Huang - Copywriter, screenwriter, journalist and teacher, Keesler Welch - Administration, The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab

Deliver Effective Presentation

Add to Calendar Jan/14 Wed 06:30PM-08:30PM E51 - TBD

Kitty Huang - Copywriter, screenwriter, journalist and teacher, Keesler Welch - Administration, The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab

Polish Skills & Get to the Point

Add to Calendar Jan/21 Wed 06:30PM-08:30PM E51 - TBD

Keesler Welch - Administration, The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, Kitty Huang - Copywriter, screenwriter, journalist and teacher

Influential Speaker & Your Body Speaks

Add to Calendar Jan/28 Wed 06:30PM-08:30PM E51 - TBD

Kitty Huang - Copywriter, screenwriter, journalist and teacher, Keesler Welch - Administration, The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab