MIT: Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyIAP: Independent Activities Period

Using the IAP Site For-Credit Subject Listing Posting System

All approved subject listings from a previous IAP are available for "rollover" to the current year. On your IAP Posting summary page, find the listing you want to rollover: If you have more than 20 listings, you need first to select Rollover Candidates' on your summary page.

How to Develop a New Subject

Only department IAP Coordinators may post subjects. On the IAP Department summary page:

How to Develop a Series Posting

A series posting is a listing for which the attendance option is 'Participants/Listeners May Attend Individual Sessions'. When you specify that a subject is a series, individual sessions are displayed online with their title, leaders, and descriptions. To specify that your subject is a series:

How to Work with Your Current Year's Subject Postings

On your IAP summary page: