MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2016

APIs for Scholarly Resources: Research Opportunities with Text- and Data-Mining

Mark Clemente, Scholarly Communications and Licensing Librarian

Jan/26 Tue 12:00PM-01:00PM 14N-132 DIRC

Enrollment: Please email to reserve a spot.
Limited to 35 participants

APIs, short for application programming interface, are tools used to share content and data between software applications.  Many scholarly publishers, databases, and products offer APIs to allow researchers with programming skills to more powerfully extract data to serve a variety of research purposes.  With an API, users might create programmatic searches of a citation database, extract statistical data, or mine full-text articles for content.

This session, offered by the MIT Libraries' Office of Scholarly Publishing, Copyright, and Licensing, will give a brief overview of some of the scholarly research APIs available to the MIT community and will feature MIT faculty and students whose current research work utilizes APIs and similar tools.

Speakers include:

Christian Catalini, Assistant Professor of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management, MIT Sloan School of Management

Edward Kim, PhD student, MIT Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering

Jorge Arturo Guzman, PhD student, MIT Sloan School of Management



Sponsor(s): Libraries
Contact: Mark Clemente, 14S-318, 617 324-4871, CLEMENTE@MIT.EDU