MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2016

iOS Development with Swift

Nina Kominiak, Apple Consulting Engineer

Jan/13 Wed 01:00PM-03:00PM 4-231

Enrollment: Advance sign-up required
Sign-up by 01/08
Limited to 40 participants
Prereq: Basic programming knowledge

Join us to learn about Apple’s new Objective-C based programming language with one of Apple's consulting engineers, Nina Kominiak. Fast, modern, safe and interactive — Swift has been proven to be more efficient at complex object sorts and more reliable for RC4 encryptions. In this seminar, we will be going over the basics of Swift and sharing resources that can help you jumpstart developing your next iOS application.

Reserve your spot at

Sponsor(s): Information Systems & Technology
Contact: Amber Bennoui, W92-216C, 617 324-6573, BENNOUI@MIT.EDU