MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2016

Team Challenge: Ceramics Coat of Arms

Jason Pastorello, Technical Instructor, Student Art Association

Jan/06 Wed 09:00AM-12:00PM W20-431, Come in comfortable clothes that can get dirty.
Jan/13 Wed 09:00AM-12:00PM W20-431, Come in comfortable clothes that can get dirty.
Jan/20 Wed 09:00AM-12:00PM W20-431, Come in comfortable clothes that can get dirty.

Enrollment: Limited: Advance sign-up required
Sign-up by 01/04
Limited to 18 participants
Attendance: Participants must attend all sessions

Week one: Students will be issued a design challenge to create a coat of arms that represents their college experience, whether they are MIT students or SUTD students.  The groups will have to agree on a design and then assign construction tasks.  A basic demonstration of hand building techniques will be presented at the beginning of the first class, as well as a discussion of the general nature and physical properties of clay. 

Week two: Discussion of the the chemistry of glazing, underglazing and chemical washes  and the way that each react with cone 6 clay bodies in the kiln.  Groups will have to agree on and divide up glazing responsibilities.  At the end of week two, if time permits, the instructor will give a   wheelthrowing demonstration and students will be allowed to experiment on the potters wheels. .

Week three: Finished pieces are out of the kilns and ready for group critique, after which they can be taken home.  If time permits, students will be allowed to continue to experiment on the wheel and with handbuilding on the tables. 

Sponsor(s): MIT-SUTD Collaboration, Student Art Association
Contact: Stacy DeBartolo, E15-205A,