Journal Publications
Wang, K., Luo, M., Wierzbicki, T. (2014) “Experiments and modeling of edge fracture for a dual-phase steel sheet”, International Journal of Fracture. 187.2 (2014): 245-268
Pack, K., and Wierzbicki, T., (2014) “Sandia Fracture Challenge - Blind Prediction and Full Calibration to Enhance the Fracture Predictability”, International Journal of Fracture. 186.2 (2014): 155-175
Roth, C.C. and Mohr, D. (2014). Effect of Strain Rate on Ductile Fracture Initiation in Advanced High Strength Steel Sheets: Experiments and Modeling, International Journal of Plasticity 56, 19-44.
Dunand, M. and Mohr, D (2014). Effect of Lode Parameter on Plastic Flow Localization after Proportional Loading at Low Stress Triaxialities, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 66(1), 1333-153.
Sahraei E., Meier J., Wierzbicki T., (2014), "Characterizing mechanical properties and onset of short circuit for three types of lithium-ion pouch cells", Journal of Power Sources 247 (2014) 503–516.
Gary, G. and Mohr, D. (2013). Modified Kolsky Formulas for an Increased Measurement Duration of SHPB Systems, Experimental Mechanics, 53 (4), 713-717.
Mohr, D., Chevin, M.-A. and Greve, L. (2013). Deformation Behavior of Magnesium Extrusions with Strong Basal Texture: Experiments and Modeling, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 80(6), 061002.
Beese, C.C. and Mohr, D. (2013). Composite Shell Element Model of Bi-directionally Corrugated Sandwich Sheets: Inverse Parameter Identification and Application to Draw Bending, Composites Part A, submitted for publication.
Kofiani, K., Nonn, A. and Wierzbicki, T., (2012). New calibration method for high and low triaxiality and validation on SENT specimens of API X70, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, In Press.
M. Luo and G. Rousselier, (2013). “Modeling of Large Strain Multi-axial Deformation of Anisotropic Metal Sheets with Strength-Differential Effect using a Reduced Texture Methodology”, International Journal of Plasticity, In Press.
Papasidero, J., Doquet, V. and Mohr, D., (2013). “Determination of the Effect of Stress State on the Onset of Ductile Fracture through Tension-Torsion Experiments”, Experimental Mechanics, DOI 10.1007/s11340-013-9788-4.
Ebnoether, F. and Mohr, D. (2013). “Predicting Ductile Fracture of Low Carbon Steel Sheets: Stress-based versus Mixed Stress/Strain-based Mohr-Coulomb Model”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 50, Issues 7–8, 1055–1066.
Dunand, M., Gary, G. and Mohr, D. (2013). “Load-Inversion Device for the High Strain Rate Tensile Testing of Sheet Materials with Hopkinson Pressure Bars”, Experimental Mechanics, DOI 10.1007/s11340-013-9712-y.
Wierzbicki T., Sahraei E., (2013),"Homogenized mechanical properties for the jellyroll of cylindrical Lithium-ion cells", Journal of Power Sources 241 (2013) 467-476.
Dunand, M., Maertens, A., Luo, M. and Mohr, D. (2012). “Experiments and Modeling of Anisotropic Aluminum Extrusions under Multi-axial Loading - Part I: Plasticity”, International Journal of Plasticity 36 (2012) 34–49.
Beese, A.M. and Mohr, D. (2012). “Anisotropic Plasticity Model Coupled with Lode Angle Dependent Strain-Induced Transformation Kinetics Law”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 60 (2012), 11, 1922–1940.
Sahraei, E., Campbell, J., Wierzbicki, t., (2012), "Modeling and short circuit detection of 18650 Li-ion cells under mechanical abused conditions", Journal of Power Sources 220 (2012) 360-372.
Sahraei, E., Hill, R., and Wierzbicki, T., (2012) “Calibration and Computer Simulation of Pouch Li-ion Batteries for Mechanical Integrity”, Journal of Power Sources 201 (2012) 307– 321.
Luo, M., Dunand, M. and Mohr, D. (2012). “Experiments and Modeling of Anisotropic Aluminum Extrusions under Multi-axial Loading - Part II: Ductile Fracture”, International Journal of Plasticity 32-33, 36-58.
Rousselier, G., Luo, M., Mohr, D.,(2012). “Macroscopic Plasticity Modeling of Anisotropic Aluminum Extrusions Using a Reduced Texture Methodology”, International Journal of Plasticity 30-31, 144-165.
Dunand, M. and Mohr, D. (2011). “Optimized Specimen for the Fracture Testing of Advanced High Strength Steels under Combined Normal and Shear Loading”, Eng. Fract. Mech. 78, 2919-2934.
Shim, J. and Mohr, D. (2011). “Punch Indentation of Polyurea at Different Velocities: Experiments and Simulations”, Mechanics of Materials, vol. 43, No 7, pp. 349-360.
Beese, A.M. and Mohr, D. (2011). “Identification of the Direction-Dependency of the Martensitic Transformation in Stainless Steel Using In-Situ Magnetic Permeability Measurements”, Experimental Mechanics, 51:667–676.
Beese, A.M. and Mohr, D. (2011). “Effect of Stress Triaxiality and Lode Angle on the Kinetics of Strain-induced Austenite-to-Martensite Transformation”, Acta Materialia, 59, pp. 2589–2600.
Dunand, M. and Mohr, D. (2011). “On the Predictive Capabilities of the Shear Modified Gurson and the Modified Mohr-Coulomb Fracture Models over a Wide Range of Stress Triaxialities and Lode Angles") has been published in JMPS 59 (7), 11374-1394, 2011.
Chen, X. M., Luo, M., Shih, H-C, Shi M. F. and Wierzbicki, T. (2010). “AHSS Shear Fracture Predictions based on a Recently Developed Fracture Criterion”, SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, vol. 3(1), pp. 723-731.
Luo, M., Wierzbicki, T. (2010). “Numerical failure analysis of a stretch-bending test on dual-phase steel sheets using a phenomenological fracture model”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 47, Issue 22-23, Pages 3084-3102.
Li, Y., Wierzbicki, T., Sutton, M. et al., (2010). “Mixed mode stable tearing of thin sheet Al6061-T6 specimens: experimental measurements and finite element simulations using a Modified Mohr-Coulomb fracture criterion”, International Journal of Fracture, 168(1), 53-71.
Li, Y., Luo, M., Gerlach, J. and Wierzbicki T. (2010). “Prediction of Shear-Induced Fracture in Sheet Metal Forming“, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 210, Issue 14, Pages 1858-1869.
Li Y., Wierzbicki T., 2010. “Prediction of plane strain fracture of AHSS sheets with post-initiation softening”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 47, Issue 17, Pages 2316-2327.
Beese, A. M., Luo M., Li, Y., Bai, Y., Wierzbicki, T, "Partially coupled anisotropic fracture model for aluminum sheets", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 77, Issue 7, Pages 1128-1152 (2010).
Bai, Y., Wierzbicki, T., “Application of the extended Coulomb-Mohr model to ductile fracture”, International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 161, p.1-20 (2010).
Dunand, M. and Mohr, D. (2010) “Hybrid Experimental-numerical Analysis of Basic Ductile Fracture Experiments for Sheet Metals”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 47, Issue 9, 1 May 2010, Pages 1130-1143.
Mohr, D., Gary, G., and Lundberg, B.,“Evaluation of Stress-strain Curve Estimates in Dynamic Experiments, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 37(2), 161-169 (2010).
Mohr, D., Dunand, M., and Kim, K.-H. (2009), “Evaluation of Associated and Non-associated Quadratic Plasticity Models For Advanced High Strength Steel Sheets under Multi-axial Loading”, International Journal of Plasticity, 26 (7), 939-956, 2010.
X. Teng, H. Mae, Y. Bai, and T. Wierzbicki, “Pore size and fracture ductility of aluminum low pressure casting”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 76, Issue 8, May 2009, Pages 983-996.
Shim, J. and Mohr, D. (2009), “Punch Indentation of Polyurea at Different Velocities: Experiments and Simulations”, submitted for publication.
Shim, J. and Mohr, D. (2009). “Finite Strain Constitutive Model of Polyurea for a Wide Range of Strain Rates”, submitted for publication.
Mohr, D. and Ebnoether, F., Plasticity and Fracture of Martensitic Boron Steel, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 46(20), 3535-3547 (2009).
Zheng, L., Petry, D., Rapp, H., Wierzbicki, T., “Characterization of material and fracture of AA6061 butt weld”, Thin-Walled Structures, 2009. 47(4): p. 431-441.
Zheng, L., Petry, D., Rapp, H., Wierzbicki, T., “Mode I fracture of large scale butt welded aluminum panels”, Thin-Walled Structures, 2009. 47(4): p. 375-381.
Xue, L. and Wierzbicki, T. Ductile fracture characterization of aluminum alloy 2024-T351 using damage plasticity theory, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp 267-304 (2009).
Xue, L., Tomasz Wierzbicki, “Numerical simulation of fracture mode transition in ductile plates”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 46, Issue 6, 15 March 2009, Pages 1423-1435
Shim, J., Mohr, D., Using split Hopkinson pressure bars to perform large strain compression tests on polyurea at low, intermediate and high strain rates, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 36, Issue 9, September 2009, Pages 1116-1127.
Bai, Y., Teng, X., and Wierzbicki, T., "On the application of stress triaxiality formula for plane strain fracture testing", Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 131, (2009).
Bai, Y., and Wierzbicki, T., "Forming Severity Concept for Predicting Sheet Necking under Complex Loading Histories", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2008, 50(6).
Zheng, L., Petry, D., Rapp, H., Wierzbicki, T., “Mode III Fracture of Large scale Welded Thin-Walled AA 6061 Extruded Panels”, Thin-Walled Structures, 2008. 46(11): p. 1262-1273.
Xue, L., A unified expression for low cycle fatigue and extremely low cycle fatigue and its implication for monotonic loading, International Journal of Fatigue, 2008, 30(10-11):1691-1698.
Xue, L. and Wierzbicki, T., Ductile fracture initiation and propagation modeling using damage plasticity theory, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2008, 75(11):3276-3293.
Xue, L., Constitutive modeling of void shearing effect in ductile fracture of porous materials, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2008, 75(11):3343-3366.
H. Mae, X. Teng, Y. Bai, and T. Wierzbicki, "Relationships between material ductility and characteristic size of porosity correlated before/after testing of a cast aluminum alloy", Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, 2008, 2(7): 924-942.
Teng, X., Mae, H., Bai, Y., and Wierzbicki., T., “Statistical analysis of ductile fracture of a aluminum casting,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2008, 75(15): 4610-4625.
Teng, Wierzbicki., T., and Huang, M., “Ballistic resistance of double-layered armor plates,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2008, Vol. 35, No. 8 pp. 870-884.
Bisagni, C. and Walters, C., “Experimental Investigation on the Damage Propagation in Composite Specimens under Biaxial Loading,” Composite Structures, (2008) vol. 85(4), pp. 293-310.
Teng, X. and Wierzbicki, T., “Gouging and fracture of engine containment
structure under fragment impact,” Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2008, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp 174-186. -
Mae, H., Teng, X., Bai, Y., and Wierzbicki, T., “Effect of Porosity on Ductile Fracture Properties of a Cast Aluminum Alloy,” Journal of Material Science, 2008, 45(5):1430-1444.
Bai, Y. and Wierzbicki, T., “A new model of metal plasticity and fracture with pressure and Lode dependence,” International Journal of Plasticity, 2008, 24:1071-1096.
X. Teng, H. Mae, Y. Bai, and T. Wierzbicki, “Statistical analysis of ductile fracture of an aluminum casting”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2008, 75(15): 4610-4625.
H. Mae, X. Teng, Y. Bai, and T. Wierzbicki, “Comparison of ductile fracture properties of aluminum castings: sand mold vs. metal mold”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2008, 45(5): 1430-1444.
Mohr, D., and Oswald, M., “A new experimental technique for the multi-axial testing of advanced high strength steel sheets,” Experimental Mechanics, 2008, 48(1):65-77.
Teng, X., “Numerical prediction of slant fracture with continuum damage mechanics,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2008, 75(8):2020-2041.
Mohr, D. and Treitler, R. “Onset of fracture in high pressure die casting aluminum alloys,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2008, 75(1):97-116.
Mohr, D., and Gary, G., “M-shaped specimen for the high-strain rate tensile testing using a split Hopkinson pressure bar apparatus,” Experimental Mechanics, 2007, 47(5): 681-692.
Mohr, D. and Henn, S., “Calibration of stress-triaxiality dependent crack formation criteria: a new hybrid experimental-numerical method,” Experimental Mechanics, 2007, 47(6):805-820.
H. Mae, X. Teng, Y. Bai, and T. Wierzbicki, “Calibration of ductile fracture properties of a cast aluminum alloy”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2007, 459:156-166.
Teng, X., Dey, S., Borvik, T., and Wierzbicki, T., “Protection performance of double-layered metal shields against projectile impact,” Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2007, 2(7):1307-1328.
Dey, S., Borvik, T., Teng, X., Wierzbicki, T., and Hopperstad, O.S., “On the ballistic resistance of double-layered steel plates: an experimental and numerical investigation,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2007, 44: 6701-6723.
Xue, L., “Damage accumulation and fracture initiation in uncracked ductile solids subject to triaxial loading,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2007, 44: 5163-5181.
Teng, X., Wierzbicki, T., and Couque, H., “On the transition from adiabatic shear banding to fracture,’ Mechanics of Materials, 2007, 39(2): 107-125.
Teng, X. and Wierzbicki, T., “Evaluation of six fracture models for high velocity perforation,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2006, 73: 1653-1678.
Bai, Y., Bao, Y., Wierzbicki, T., "Fracture of prismatic aluminum tubes under reverse straining", International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2006, 32: 671-701.
Zheng, L., Petry, D., Wierzbicki, T., Rapp, H., “Fracture Prediction in 4-Point Bending of an Extruded Aluminum Panel”, Thin-Walled Structures, 2005. 43(4), p. 565-82.
Bao, Y.B. and Wierzbicki, T., ”On the cut-off value of negative triaxiality for fracture,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2005, 72(7): 1049-1069.
Bao, Y.B., “Dependence of ductile crack formation in tensile tests on stress triaxiality, stress and strain ratios,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2005, 72(4): 505-522.
Lee, Y.W. and Wierzbicki, T., ”Fracture prediction of thin plates under localized impulsive loading. Part I: dishing,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2005, 31(10): 1253-1276.
Lee, Y.W. and Wierzbicki, T., “Fracture prediction of thin plates under localized impulsive loading. Part II: discing and petalling,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2005, 31(10): 1277-1308.
Teng, X., Wierzbicki, T., Hiermaier, S., and Rohr, I., “Numerical prediction of fracture in the Taylor test,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2005, 42(9-10): 2929-2948.
Teng, X. and Wierzbicki, T., “Numerical study on crack propagation in high velocity perforation,” Computers & Structures, 2005, 83(12-13): 989-1004.
Teng, X. and Wierzbicki, T. “Dynamic shear plugging of beams and plates with an advancing crack,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2005, 31(6): 667-698.
Wierzbicki, T., Bao, Y., Lee, Y.W., and Bai, Y., “Calibration and evaluation of seven fracture models,” International Journal of Mechanical Science, 2005, 47(4-5): 719-743.
Lee, Y.W., Woertz, J.C., and Wierzbicki, T., “Fracture prediction of thin plates under hemispherical punch with calibration and experimental verification,” International Journal of Mechanical Science, 2004, 46: 751-781.
Bao, Y. and Treitler, R., “Ductile crack formation on notched Al2024-T351 bars under compression-tension loading,” Materials Sciences and Engineering A, 2004, 384: 385-394.
Bao, Y.B. and Wierzbicki, T. “A comparative study on various ductile crack formation criteria,” Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 2004, 126(3): 314-324.
Bao, Y.B. and Wierzbicki, T. “On fracture locus in the equivalent strain and stress triaxiality space,” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2004, 46(1): 81-98.
Teng, X. and Wierzbicki, T., “Effect of fracture criteria on high velocity perforation of thin beams,” International Journal of Computational Methods, 2004, 1(1): 171-200.
Wierzbicki, T. and Teng, X. “How the airplane wing cut through the exterior columns of the World Trade Center,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2003, 28(6): 601-625.
Wierzbicki, T., “Petalling of plates under explosive and impact loading,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, 1999, 22(9-10): 935-954.
Wierzbicki, T., Trauth, K.A. and Atkins, A.G., “On diverging concertina tearing,” Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 1998, 65(4): 990-997.
Bracco, M.D. and Wierzbicki, T., “Tearing resistance of advanced double hulls,” Journal of Ship Research, 1997, 41(1): 69-80.
Simonsen, B.C. and Wierzbicki, T., “Plasticity, fracture and friction in steady-state plate cutting,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, 1997, 19(8): 667-691.
Wierzbicki, T. and Simonsen, B.C., “Grounding bottom damage and ship motion over a rock,” International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 1996, 6(3): 195-202.
Zheng, Z.M. and Wierzbicki, T. “A theoretical study of steady-state wedge cutting through metal plates,” International Journal of Fracture, 1996, 78(1): 45-66.
Zhou, Q. and Wierzbicki, T. “An incremental analysis of plane strain fully plastic crack growth in strain-hardening materials under extension,” International Journal of Fracture, 1996, 79(1): 27-48.
Zhou, Q. and Wierzbicki, T. “A tension zone model of blanking and tearing of ductile metal plates,” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 1996, 38(3): 303.
McClintock, F.A., Zhou, Q., and Wierzbicki, T., “Necking in plane-strain under bending with constant tension,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 1993, 41(8): 1327-1343.