Picture of Marija Ilic

Marija D. Ilic
Professor of ECE and EPP
Carnegie Mellon University

Prior to September, 2002:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)
Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS)
The Energy Laboratory: Competitive Power Systems

Areas of Research

Electric power systems modeling; design of monitoring, control and pricing algorithms for electric power systems; normal and emergency control of electric power systems; control of large scale dynamic systems; nonlinear network and systems theory; modeling and control of economic and technical interactions in dynamical systems with applications to competitive energy systems.


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    Education and Work Experience   (Download full CV) (Download a brief Bio)


Carnegie Mellon University
Professor of ECE and EPP
Porter Hall B25
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
tel: 412-268-9520   fax: 412-268-5787

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