Contents Overview Sequences


Container Interfaces
Storing Objects and Primitives
Adding, Printing, Clearing, and Sizing
Copying, Comparing, Assigning, and Cloning
Storing Primitives
Storing User-Defined Objects
Error Handling

JGL includes 11 highly optimized data structures for general purpose programming. It also includes 10 array adapters that allow you to apply JGL algorithms to native arrays and JDK Vectors. The following diagram shows all of the container classes in JGL and how they relate to the container classes that are already part of the JDK. Interfaces are indicated using italics and classes are indicated using courier. Classes that are already part of JDK are indicated by (JDK).

Note how tightly JDK integration has been achieved. For example, the JGL HashMap and OrderedMap extend the existing JDK Dictionary class. The only time there is overlap between JGL and JDK is when the JGL container has significantly more functionality or higher performance than its JDK equivalent.

The rest of this chapter contains information pertinent to every JGL container. The Sequences, Maps, Sets, Queues and Stacks, and Array Adapters chapters describe the methods and interfaces specific to each category of container.

1. There are ten array adapters, one for each primitive data type, one for an array of Objects, and one for a JDK Vector.

Container Interfaces

Every JGL container implements the Container interface, which defines the methods that are common to all JGL containers. In addition, most JGL containers implement a more specialized interface related to their category. For example, Array, Deque, DList, and SList all implement the Sequence interface.
As of the 2.0 release of JGL, containers also implement the Serializable interface which was added to the Java language with the JDK 1.1 release. Serialization can be used for lightweight persistence, Remote Method Invocation (RMI), or communication via sockets.

The Container interface defines the following methods:

The rest of this chapter describes common uses of these containers. For detailed information on the start() and finish() methods, refer to the Iterators chapter.

Storing Objects and Primitives

JGL follows the same philosophy as the JDK when it comes to the way that objects and primitives are stored:

Note that unlike C++ template containers, you cannot create a JDK or JGL container that can only hold instances of a specific class of object.

Adding, Printing, Clearing, and Sizing

Every JGL container allows you to add an object, print the container, clear the container, and size the container. These behaviors are illustrated by the following example.


// Copyright(c) 1996,1997 ObjectSpace, Inc.
import COM.objectspace.jgl.*;

public class Container1
  public static void main( String[] args )
    Array array = new Array();
    array.add( "triangle" );
    array.add( "square" );
    array.add( "pentagon" );
    array.add( "hexagon" );
    System.out.println( "array = " + array );
    System.out.println( "array.size() = " + array.size() );
    System.out.println( "array.empty() = " + array.isEmpty() );
    System.out.println( "after array is cleared..." );
    System.out.println( "array.size() = " + array.size() );
    System.out.println( "array.empty() = " + array.isEmpty() );


array = Array( triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon )
array.size() = 4
array.empty() = false
after array is cleared...
array.size() = 0
array.empty() = true


Every JDK container defines a method called elements() that returns a JDK Enumeration object positioned at its first element. Once this object is obtained, you may enumerate every element of the container by using the hasMoreElements() and nextElement() methods. For ease of use and backwards compatibility, every JGL container also defines an elements() method that returns an Enumeration. The following example uses an Enumeration object to enumerate every object in an Array.


// Copyright(c) 1996,1997 ObjectSpace, Inc.
import COM.objectspace.jgl.*;
import java.util.Enumeration;

public class Container2
  public static void main( String[] args )
    Array array = new Array();
    array.add( "triangle" );
    array.add( "square" );
    array.add( "pentagon" );
    array.add( "hexagon" );

    Enumeration iterator = array.elements();
    while ( iterator.hasMoreElements() )
      System.out.println( iterator.nextElement() );



Copying, Comparing, Assignment, and Cloning

There are two well-known ways to copy a container:

The JGL copy constructors always perform a shallow copy. In addition, you may replace the contents of a container with a shallow copy of another container by using the copy() method, or obtain a shallow clone of a container using the standard clone() method.

To compare two containers of the same type for equality, use the standard equals() method. JGL follows the standard Java convention and extends Container from Cloneable. The following example illustrates all of these methods.


// Copyright(c) 1996,1997 ObjectSpace, Inc.
import COM.objectspace.jgl.*;

public class Container3
  public static void main( String[] args )
    Array array1 = new Array();
    array1.add( "triangle" );
    array1.add( "square" );
    array1.add( "pentagon" );
    System.out.println( "array1 = " + array1 );

    // Illustrate copy construction.
    Array array2 = new Array( array1 );
    System.out.println( "array2 = " + array2 );
    System.out.println( "array1.equals( array2 ) = " + array1.equals( array2 ) );

    // Illustrate assignment using copy().
    Array array3 = new Array();
    array3.add( "heptagon" );
    array3.add( "octagon" );
    System.out.println( "before copy, array3 = " + array3 );
    array3.copy( array1 );
    System.out.println( "after copy, array3 = " + array3 );

    // Illustrate cloning.
    Array array4 = (Array) array1.clone();
    System.out.println( "array4 = " + array4 );


array1 = Array( triangle, square, pentagon )
array2 = Array( triangle, square, pentagon )
array1.equals( array2 ) = true
before copy, array3 = Array( heptagon, octagon )
after copy, array3 = Array( triangle, square, pentagon )
array4 = Array( triangle, square, pentagon )


Every JGL container allows you to efficiently exchange its contents with those of another container of the same type by using the swap() method. This is illustrated by the following example.


// Copyright(c) 1996,1997 ObjectSpace, Inc.
import COM.objectspace.jgl.*;

public class Container4
  public static void main( String[] args )
    Array array1 = new Array();
    array1.add( "ape" );
    array1.add( "bat" );
    array1.add( "cat" );

    Array array2 = new Array();
    array2.add( "red" );
    array2.add( "blue" );

    // Illustrate swapping.
    System.out.println( "array1 = " + array1 + ", array2 = " + array2 );
    array1.swap( array2 );
    System.out.println( "array1 = " + array1 + ", array2 = " + array2 );


array1 = Array( ape, bat, cat ), array2 = Array( red, blue )
array1 = Array( red, blue ), array2 = Array( ape, bat, cat )

Storing Primitives

The JGL containers can only contain objects. To store primitives, "wrap" them in their object equivalents defined in java.lang. Here is a table of primitives and their object equivalents:

PrimitiveObject Equivalent
boolean java.lang.Boolean
char java.lang.Character
byte java.lang.Byte
short java.lang.Short
int java.lang.Integer
long java.lang.Long
float java.lang.Float
double java.lang.Double

The following example shows how an Array can be used to store a variety of primitives.


// Copyright(c) 1996,1997 ObjectSpace, Inc.
import COM.objectspace.jgl.*;

public class Container5
  public static void main( String[] args )
    Array Array = new Array();
    Array.add( new Integer( 2 ) );
    Array.add( new Boolean( false ) );
    Array.add( new Character( 'x' ) );
    Array.add( new Float( 3.14F ) );
    System.out.println( "Array = " + Array );


Array = Array( 2, false, x, 3.14 )

Note that the JGL algorithms are smart enough to convert these "wrapper" objects to and from their primitive equivalents when necessary. See the "Algorithms" and "Iterators" chapters for examples.

Storing User-Defined Objects

There are three special methods that are invoked by JGL containers on the objects they contain:

Each of these methods has a default implementation in java.lang.Object. If you wish to store instances of your classes into any JGL container, you should override these methods when necessary.

For example, here is a Company class that overrides each of these methods appropriately. Note that two companies are considered to match when their names are the same.

// Copyright(c) 1996,1997 ObjectSpace, Inc.
import COM.objectspace.jgl.*;

public class Company
  String myName;

  public Company( String name )
    myName = name;

  public String toString()
    return "Company( " + myName + " )";

  public int hashCode()
    return myName.hashCode();

  public boolean equals( Object object )
      object instanceof Company 
      && myName.equals( ( (Company)object ).myName );

The following example stores instances of Company into a HashMap. Each instance of Company is placed into the HashMap's underlying hash structure using its hashCode() function.


// Copyright(c) 1996,1997 ObjectSpace, Inc.
import COM.objectspace.jgl.*;
import Company;

public class Container6
  public static void main( String[] args )
    Company company1 = new Company( "ObjectSpace" );
    Company company2 = new Company( "Sun Microsystems" );

    HashMap headquarters = new HashMap();
    headquarters.put( company1, "Texas" );
    headquarters.put( company2, "California" );

    String location = (String) headquarters.get( company1 );
    System.out.println( "The headquarters of " + company1 + " are in " + location );


The headquarters of Company( ObjectSpace ) are in Texas

Error Handling

A JGL error causes a Java exception to be thrown. Methods that can cause an exception are commented in the source code using the @exception tag and are documented in the online help. Whenever possible, JGL throws the standard JDK exceptions that are defined in java.lang. The only exception unique to JGL is InvalidOperationException.

Here is a hierarchy of the exceptions that JGL can throw, together with a brief description of when the exception is thrown. All of these exception classes are part of the JDK except for the bolded class.

Class                                  Description
Throwable                              the root of all throwable objects 
  Exception                            the root of all exceptions
    RuntimeException                   the root of all runtime exceptions
      InvalidOperationException        invalid operation attempted on a JGL container
      IllegalArgumentException         an illegal argument was supplied to a method
      IndexOutOfBoundsException        an illegal index was supplied to an operation
      NullPointerException             attempt to add a null key or value
Because all JGL exceptions inherit from RuntimeException, methods that can generate them do not have to explicitly declare them using throws.

The following example catches an IndexOutOfBoundsException.


// Copyright(c) 1996,1997 ObjectSpace, Inc.
import COM.objectspace.jgl.*;

public class Container7
  public static void main( String[] args )
    Array array = new Array();
    array.add( "ape" );
    array.add( "cat" );
      Object object = 5 );
    catch ( IndexOutOfBoundsException exception )
      System.out.println( "Caught " + exception );


Caught java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Attempt to access index 5 when valid range is 0..1

The next example catches an InvalidOperationException.


// Copyright(c) 1996,1997 ObjectSpace, Inc.
import COM.objectspace.jgl.*;

public class Container8
  public static void main( String[] args )
    Array array = new Array();
      Object object = array.front();
    catch ( InvalidOperationException exception )
      System.out.println( "Caught " + exception );


Caught COM.objectspace.jgl.InvalidOperationException: Array is empty

The last example in this series catches an IllegalArgumentException.


// Copyright(c) 1996,1997 ObjectSpace, Inc.
import COM.objectspace.jgl.*;

public class Container9
  public static void main( String[] args )
      Array array = new Array( -2 );
    catch ( IllegalArgumentException exception )
      System.out.println( "Caught " + exception );


Caught java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Attempt to create an Array with a negative size

Array Adapters

Most of the JGL algorithms such as sort() and countIf() can operate directly on a JGL container. In order for the algorithms to also work with JDK Vectors and native Java arrays, JGL includes special array adapter classes that wrap them in a Container-compliant interface. The following example uses an IntArray adapter to allow sort() to operate on a native array of ints.


// Copyright(c) 1996,1997 ObjectSpace, Inc.
import COM.objectspace.jgl.*;

public class Container10
  public static void main( String[] args )
    int ints[] = { 3, -1, 2, 0, -6 };
    IntArray intArray = new IntArray( ints ); // Construct adapter class.
    System.out.println( "unsorted native int array = " + intArray );
    Sorting.sort( intArray ); // Sort native array.
    System.out.print( "sorted = " );
    for ( int i = 0; i < ints.length; i++ )
      System.out.print( ints[ i ] + " " );


unsorted native int array = int[]( 3, -1, 2, 0, -6 )
sorted = -6 -1 0 2 3 

For more information about array adapters, read the chapter called Array Adapters.

Contents Overview Sequences