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  • Ansolabehere, Stephen D., John M. de Figueiredo, and James M. Snyder (2003). "Why Is There So Little Money in Politics?", Journal of Economic Perspectives 17(1) 105-130.
    [published] [prepublished]

  • de Figueiredo, John M., and Rui J. de Figueiredo, Jr. (2002). "The Allocation of Resources by Interest Groups: Lobbying, Litigation, and Administrative Regulation," Business and Politics 4(2): 161-181.
    [published] [prepublished]

  • de Figueiredo, John M., and Rui J. de Figueiredo, Jr. (2002). "Managerial Decision-Making in Nonmarket Environments: A Survey Experiment," Advances in Strategic Management, pp. 67-96.
    [published] [prepublished]

  • de Figueiredo, John M. (2002). "Lobbying and Information in Politics," Business and Politics 4(2): 125-129.
    [published] [prepublished]

  • de Figueiredo, John M., and Emerson H. Tiller (2001). "The Structure and Conduct of Corporate Lobbying: An Empirical Analysis of Corporate Lobbying at the Federal Communications Commission," Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 10(1): 91-122.
    [published] [prepublished]

  • Teece, David J., Janet E. Bercovitz, and John M. de Figueiredo (2001). "Decision-making Processes and Technological Innovation," Managing Intellectual Capital (Oxford University Press: Oxford), pp. 69-87.
    [published] [prepublished]

  • de Figueiredo, John M., Gerry Gryski, Emerson Tiller, and Gary Zuk (2000). "Congress and the Political Expansion of the U.S. District Courts," American Law and Economics Review, 2(1): 107-125
    [published] [prepublished]

  • de Figueiredo, John M. (2000). "Finding Sustainable Profitability in Electronic Commerce," Sloan Management Review, 41(4): 41-52.
    - Reprinted in eds. Eric Brynjolfsson and Glen L. Urban, Strategies for E-business Success, (Jossey-Bass: San Francisco), 2001.
    [published] [prepublished]

  • de Figueiredo, John M. (2000). "Litigation Regulation: Corporate Strategy in Telecommunications," Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management 2000.

  • Bercovitz, Janet E., John M. de Figueiredo, and David J. Teece (1997). "Firm Capabilities and Managerial Decision-Making: A Theory of Innovation Biases," in R. Garud, P. Nayaar, and Z. Shapira,(eds.), Technological Innovation: Oversights and Foresights (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press), pp. 233-259.
    - Reprinted in Teece, David (editor), Strategy, Technology, and Public Policy (Edward Elgar: New York), 1998.
    [published] [prepublished]

  • de Figueiredo, John M., and Emerson H. Tiller (1996). "Congressional Control of the Courts: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Expansion of the Federal Judiciary," Journal of Law and Economics 39(2) (October): 435-462.
    [published] [prepublished]

  • de Figueiredo, John M., and David J. Teece (1996). "Mitigating Procurement Hazards in the Context of Innovation," Industrial and Corporate Change 5(2): 537-559.
    - Reprinted in eds. Glenn Carroll and David Teece, Firms, Markets and Organizations, (Oxford University Press: Oxford), 1999.
    [published] [prepublished]

  • de Figueiredo, John M., and Brian S. Silverman. "Academic Earmarks and the Returns to Lobbying," NBER Working Paper #9064 (May 2002), substantially revised June 2003.
    [work in progress]

  • de Figueiredo, John M. "The Timing, Intensity, and Composition of Interest Group Lobbying: An Analysis of Policy Windows in the States," (formerly titled "The Structure of Legislatures and the Timing of Interest Group Lobbying"), revised May 2004.
    [work in progress]

  • de Figueiredo, John M., and James K. Kim. "When do Firms Hire Lobbyists? The Organization of Lobbying at the Federal Communications Commission," accepted for publication in Industrial and Corporate Change, March 2004.
    [work in progress]

  • de Figueiredo, John M. "Strategic Litigants and Ideological Courts: A Study of Litigation of FCC Decisions," revised August 2003.
    [work in progress]

  • de Figueiredo, John M. "Committee Jurisdiction and Internet Intellectual Property Protection," revised June 2003.
    [work in progress]

  • de Figueiredo, John M., and Margaret K. Kyle "Surviving the Gales of Creative Destruction: The Determinants of Product Turnover," revised September 2003.
    [work in progress]

  • de Figueiredo, John M. and Margaret K. Kyle. "Product Launch Decisions by Dominant and Fringe Firms," March 2004.
    [work in progress]
  • de Figueiredo, John M. and Brian S. Silverman. "How Do We (Want to) Fund Science? Politics, Lobbying, and Academic Earmarks," accepted for publication in Science and the University, March 2004.
    [work in progress]
  • de Figueiredo, John M. "The Dynamics of Vertical Integration: An End to the Moratorium?" revised October 2003.
    [work in progress]
Updated May 2003  
May (Eun Yeon) Kim