LimaKids is dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of orphaned and street children of Peru. We began with The LimaKids Soccer League, an innovative new way to address the mental health problems which result from childhood victimization, using soccer as our medium. We later teamed up with Puentes to improve the quality of life of institutionalized children through recreational activities.  Our reach to the community of abandoned children soon expanded to include a larger spectrum of kids by providing health services to children living on the streets through the LimaKids: The Mobile Clinic.

Mission    Vision    Affiliate Organizations    LimaKids Team

LimaKids: About Us











For questions about this website email Joe Donroe.
Copyright  2005

Mission Statement

At LimaKids, our mission is to improve the health and well being of vulnerable children in Latin America through the development and execution of reproducible clinical and recreational interventions.  We encourage children to be active decision makers in our  programs, we believe that collaboration is critical to maximize our impact and sustainability, and we are grounded in the conviction that all children have the right to healthy and happy childhoods.

Our Goals are:

1. To promote the health of vulnerable children in Peru by broadening the range of physical and mental healthcare services available to them.

2. To create an integrated, multidisciplinary safety net to minimize the time children spend living on the street, particularly those newly arrived children at risk of becoming long term street residents.

3. To provide marginalized children with the opportunity to participate in competitive team sports, and through that participation enhance their inter-personal skills and self esteem.

4. To give marginalized children the opportunity to participate in recreational activities in order to improve their quality of life during childhood.