Written by Thorton Wilder Directed by Jay Scheib, Scenic Design by Peter Ksander

MIT Dramashop presents a fresh interpretation of T. Wilder's golden classic -- Our Town, a play of life and death. Turns small town life on it's head and the cute contraptions and stereotypes rise in flames- the chatty wives, the alcoholic choir director, the delivery man, the newspaper boy(girl), the sole public servant (cop and gravedigger, a pair). Just like back home, only it's not; Our Town in America..

STARRING Holly Laird - Jonas Kubilius - Catherine McCurry - Morgan Laidlaw - Sasha Brophy - Jennifer Benoit - Valentina Lugo - John Gardner - Gireeja Ranade - Zahra Khan - Travis Newsad - Stepka Cavagnaro-Wong - Ari Shapiro - Tim Hill - Ryan Hendrickson - Hui Ying Wen - Mark Avara - Susan Wilson - Maura Cordial

Produced by Maura Cordial, Dramaturgy by Emilie Slabie, Designed by Peter Ksander, LIght by Karen Perlow, Clothes coordinated by Leslie Cucuzzo-Held, Technical direction from Mike Katz

APRIL 12, 13, 14, AND 18, 19, 20 AT 8PM in the LIttle Kresge Theater,
Kresge Auditorium— Across from 77 Massacusetts Avenue, Next to the student center
(Kresge Little Theater, http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?selection=W16)


$6 Students, $8 General Admission

Associate Professor Jay Scheib is an active director worldwide, presenting his works in Boston, NYC, Budapest, Salzburg, Belgrade, Paris... Scheib has been developing a body of performance works focused on a re-evaluation of naturalistic approaches to the theatre for maybe the last five years. He works with a variety of media—video, audio, and cross a variety of disciplines as a means of forcing the theatre into unusual shapes, and actors into reality. Beginning right around the time of the attacks on the World Trade Center, Scheib developed an approach to Reality on the Stage that he hoped might rival our Reality on the Street—according to him, this was a failure but Scheib discovered FOUND REALITY /FOUND RE-ENACTMENT. CHEAP TELEVISION ETC., on the journey. Under a series of different slogans: THE FLIGHT OUT OF NATURALISM, & IMITATION INTELLIGENCE, Scheib has presented approximately 10 performance works of various scales. (from jayscheib.com) Scheib's credits at MIT include The Power of Darkness (after a play by Leo Tolstoy) and The Demolition Downtown (by Tennessee Williams).

MIT Dramashop Presents,

Gireeja Ranade and Morgan Laidlaw
photo by Adam Love

Jonas Kubilius
photo by Adam Love

Catherine McCurry
photo by Adam Love

Gireeja Ranade
By Adam Love

Holly Laird
photo by Adam Love