1. Deashi Harai
Outside foot-sweep throw
2. Sesae Ashi
Shin-stop throw
3. Okuri Harai
Double foot-sweep throw
4. Soto Gama
Outside ankle-hook throw
5. Uchi Gama
Inside ankle-hook throw
6. Soto Momo Harai
Throw across the hip with a thigh sweep (outside knee or loin reap)
7. Uchi Momo Harai
Inside thigh-sweep throw (inner-thigh reap)
8. Ogoshi
(Major) Hip throw
9. Utseri Goshi
Throw over leg from a countered Ogoshi
10. Seoi Nage
Throw with armpit over your shoulder
11. Ushiro Goshi
Counter Seoi Nage and throw to rear
12. Seoi Goshi
Throw with elbow in armpit
13. Tsurikomi Goshi
Sleeve-tip throw
14. Harai Goshi
Leg and hip throw (hip wheel throw)
15. Hane Goshi
Throw with a bent-knee sweep (Springing hip throw)
16. Uki Otoshi
Circular kneeling throw (floating hip throw)
17. Makikomi
Winding-dropping throw with armbar
18. Kane Sute
Leg-scissors throw
19. Tomoe Nage
Throw with foot in stomach (circle throw)
20. Yama Arashi
Block punch, break collarbone, rear throw, armbar and choke (Mountain Storm Throw)