Class PyStringMap

  extended byorg.python.core.PyObject
      extended byorg.python.core.PyStringMap
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PyStringMap
extends PyObject

A faster Dictionary where the keys have to be strings.

This is the default for all __dict__ instances.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class org.python.core.PyObject
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.python.core.PyObject
Constructor Summary
PyStringMap(int capacity)
PyStringMap(PyObject[] elements)
Method Summary
 int __cmp__(PyObject other)
          Equivalent to the standard Python __cmp__ method.
 void __delitem__(PyObject key)
          Equivalent to the standard Python __delitem__ method.
 void __delitem__(java.lang.String key)
          A variant of the __delitem__ method which accepts a String as the key.
 PyObject __finditem__(PyObject key)
          Very similar to the standard Python __getitem__ method.
 PyObject __finditem__(java.lang.String key)
          A variant of the __finditem__ method which accepts a Java String as the key.
 PyObject __iter__()
          Return an iterator that is used to iterate the element of this sequence.
 int __len__()
          Equivalent to the standard Python __len__ method.
 boolean __nonzero__()
          Equivalent to the standard Python __nonzero__ method.
 void __setitem__(PyObject key, PyObject value)
          Equivalent to the standard Python __setitem__ method.
 void __setitem__(java.lang.String key, PyObject value)
          A variant of the __setitem__ method which accepts a String as the key.
 void clear()
          Remove all items from the dictionary.
 PyStringMap copy()
          Return a shallow copy of the dictionary.
 PyObject get(PyObject key)
          Return this[key] if the key exists in the mapping, None is returned otherwise.
 PyObject get(PyObject key, PyObject default_object)
          Return this[key] if the key exists in the mapping, default_object is returned otherwise.
 boolean has_key(PyObject key)
          Return true if the key exist in the dictionary.
 PyList items()
          Return a copy of the mappings list of (key, value) tuple pairs.
 PyList keys()
          Return a copy of the mappings list of keys.
 PyObject popitem()
          Return a random (key, value) tuple pair and remove the pair from the mapping.
 PyObject setdefault(PyObject key)
          Return this[key] if the key exist, otherwise insert key with a None value and return None.
 PyObject setdefault(PyObject key, PyObject failobj)
          Return this[key] if the key exist, otherwise insert key with the value of failobj and return failobj
 java.lang.String toString()
 void update(PyDictionary dict)
          Insert all the key:value pairs from dict into this mapping.
 void update(PyStringMap map)
          Insert all the key:value pairs from map into this mapping.
 PyList values()
          Return a copy of the mappings list of values.
Methods inherited from class org.python.core.PyObject
__abs__, __add__, __and__, __call__, __call__, __call__, __call__, __call__, __call__, __call__, __call__, __coerce__, __coerce_ex__, __complex__, __contains__, __delattr__, __delattr__, __delete__, __delslice__, __delslice__, __dir__, __div__, __divmod__, __eq__, __findattr__, __findattr__, __finditem__, __float__, __floordiv__, __ge__, __get__, __getattr__, __getattr__, __getitem__, __getitem__, __getslice__, __getslice__, __gt__, __hash__, __hex__, __iadd__, __iand__, __idiv__, __idivmod__, __ifloordiv__, __ilshift__, __imod__, __imul__, __int__, __invert__, __ior__, __ipow__, __irshift__, __isub__, __iternext__, __itruediv__, __ixor__, __le__, __long__, __lshift__, __lt__, __mod__, __mul__, __ne__, __neg__, __not__, __oct__, __or__, __pos__, __pow__, __pow__, __radd__, __rand__, __rdiv__, __rdivmod__, __repr__, __rfloordiv__, __rlshift__, __rmod__, __rmul__, __ror__, __rpow__, __rrshift__, __rshift__, __rsub__, __rtruediv__, __rxor__, __set__, __setattr__, __setattr__, __setitem__, __setslice__, __setslice__, __str__, __sub__, __tojava__, __truediv__, __xor__, _add, _and, _callextra, _cmp, _div, _divmod, _doget, _doget, _doset, _eq, _floordiv, _ge, _gt, _in, _is, _isnot, _jcall, _jcallexc, _jthrow, _le, _lshift, _lt, _mod, _mul, _ne, _notin, _or, _pow, _rshift, _sub, _truediv, _xor, asInt, asLong, asName, asString, asStringOrNull, dispatch__init__, equals, fastGetClass, fastGetDict, getDict, getDoc, getType, hashCode, implementsDescrDelete, implementsDescrSet, invoke, invoke, invoke, invoke, invoke, isCallable, isDataDescr, isMappingType, isNumberType, isSequenceType, noAttributeError, readonlyAttributeError, safeRepr, typeSetup
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PyStringMap(int capacity)


public PyStringMap()


public PyStringMap(PyObject[] elements)
Method Detail


public int __len__()
Description copied from class: PyObject
Equivalent to the standard Python __len__ method. Part of the mapping discipline.

__len__ in class PyObject
the length of the object


public boolean __nonzero__()
Description copied from class: PyObject
Equivalent to the standard Python __nonzero__ method. Returns whether of not a given PyObject is considered true.

__nonzero__ in class PyObject


public PyObject __finditem__(java.lang.String key)
Description copied from class: PyObject
A variant of the __finditem__ method which accepts a Java String as the key. By default, this method will call __finditem__(PyObject key) with the appropriate args. The only reason to override this method is for performance. Warning: key must be an interned string!!!!!!!!

__finditem__ in class PyObject
key - the key to lookup in this sequence - must be an interned string .
the value corresponding to key or null if key is not found.
See Also:


public PyObject __finditem__(PyObject key)
Description copied from class: PyObject
Very similar to the standard Python __getitem__ method. Instead of throwing a KeyError if the item isn't found, this just returns null. Classes that wish to implement __getitem__ should override this method instead (with the appropriate semantics.

__finditem__ in class PyObject
key - the key to lookup in this container
the value corresponding to key or null if key is not found


public PyObject __iter__()
Description copied from class: PyObject
Return an iterator that is used to iterate the element of this sequence. From version 2.2, this method is the primary protocol for looping over sequences.

If a PyObject subclass should support iteration based in the __finditem__() method, it must supply an implementation of __iter__() like this:

    public PyObject __iter__() {
        return new PySequenceIter(this);
When iterating over a python sequence from java code, it should be done with code like this:
    PyObject iter = seq.__iter__();
    for (PyObject item; (item = iter.__next__()) != null;  {
        // Do somting with item

__iter__ in class PyObject


public void __setitem__(java.lang.String key,
                        PyObject value)
Description copied from class: PyObject
A variant of the __setitem__ method which accepts a String as the key. This String must be interned. By default, this will call __setitem__(PyObject key, PyObject value) with the appropriate args. The only reason to override this method is for performance.

__setitem__ in class PyObject
key - the key whose value will be set - must be an interned string .
value - the value to set this key to
See Also:
PyObject.__setitem__(PyObject, PyObject)


public void __setitem__(PyObject key,
                        PyObject value)
Description copied from class: PyObject
Equivalent to the standard Python __setitem__ method.

__setitem__ in class PyObject
key - the key whose value will be set
value - the value to set this key to


public void __delitem__(java.lang.String key)
Description copied from class: PyObject
A variant of the __delitem__ method which accepts a String as the key. This String must be interned. By default, this will call __delitem__(PyObject key) with the appropriate args. The only reason to override this method is for performance.

__delitem__ in class PyObject
key - the key who will be removed - must be an interned string .
See Also:


public void __delitem__(PyObject key)
Description copied from class: PyObject
Equivalent to the standard Python __delitem__ method.

__delitem__ in class PyObject
key - the key to be removed from the container


public void clear()
Remove all items from the dictionary.


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class PyObject


public int __cmp__(PyObject other)
Description copied from class: PyObject
Equivalent to the standard Python __cmp__ method.

__cmp__ in class PyObject
other - the object to compare this with.
-1 if this < 0; 0 if this == o; +1 if this > o; -2 if no comparison is implemented


public boolean has_key(PyObject key)
Return true if the key exist in the dictionary.


public PyObject get(PyObject key,
                    PyObject default_object)
Return this[key] if the key exists in the mapping, default_object is returned otherwise.

key - the key to lookup in the mapping.
default_object - the value to return if the key does not exists in the mapping.


public PyObject get(PyObject key)
Return this[key] if the key exists in the mapping, None is returned otherwise.

key - the key to lookup in the mapping.


public PyStringMap copy()
Return a shallow copy of the dictionary.


public void update(PyStringMap map)
Insert all the key:value pairs from map into this mapping.


public void update(PyDictionary dict)
Insert all the key:value pairs from dict into this mapping.


public PyObject setdefault(PyObject key)
Return this[key] if the key exist, otherwise insert key with a None value and return None.

key - the key to lookup in the mapping.


public PyObject setdefault(PyObject key,
                           PyObject failobj)
Return this[key] if the key exist, otherwise insert key with the value of failobj and return failobj

key - the key to lookup in the mapping.
failobj - the default value to insert in the mapping if key does not already exist.


public PyObject popitem()
Return a random (key, value) tuple pair and remove the pair from the mapping.


public PyList items()
Return a copy of the mappings list of (key, value) tuple pairs.


public PyList keys()
Return a copy of the mappings list of keys.


public PyList values()
Return a copy of the mappings list of values.

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