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Publications page

The following list of abstracts of publications is ordered chronologically. For a categorical listing of the publications, please navigate to the RESEARCH subsection of this web site.


Click here to see an article that gives a great overview of protein folding and misfolding!
Unraveling the Mystery of Protein Folding. W. A. (Bill) Thomasson (Jonathan King served as science writer). From the Breakthroughs in Bioscience series from the FASEB Office of Public Affairs.


Barrie Greene, and Jonathan A. King (1994). Binding of scaffolding subunits within the P22 procapsid lattice. Virology 205, 188-197.

The capsid assembly pathways of the dsDNA bacteriophages, herpesviruses and adenoviruses all proceed through a precursor shell lacking DNA. These procapsids contain scaffolding proteins required for assembly but absent from mature virions. The bacteriophage P22 procapsid contains approximately 300 molecules of the 33-kDa gene 8 scaffolding protein, in addition to the 420 molecules of gene 5 coat protein. During the process of DNA packaging and phage maturation, all 300 scaffolding molecules are released intact to participate in subsequent rounds of procapsid assembly. Low concentrations of guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl) reproduce the release of scaffolding from procapsids in vitro, in the absence of DNA. The release was reversible; when the GuHCl was removed by dialysis, the scaffolding subunits reentered the extracted capsids to regenerate morphologically normal procapsids. The subunits presumably exited and reentered through the channels recently observed at the centers of the pentamers and hexamers (Prasad, B. V. V., Prevelige, P. E., Marietta, E., Chen, R. O., Thomas, D., King, J., and Chiu, W. (1993). J. Mol. Biol. 231, 65-74). We have utilized this reaction to investigate the binding of scaffolding subunits within normal procapsids and to other large structures of coat protein. Procapsids contained two classes of scaffolding subunits, which may represent binding of scaffolding to different specific positions within the T = 7 procapsid lattice. These sites became lost or inaccessible upon phage maturation.
Go to Bacteriophage P22 Assembly.


Margaret A. Speed, Daniel I.C. Wang, and Jonathan A. King. 1995. "Multimeric Intermediates in the Pathway to the Aggregated Inclusion Body State for P22 Tailspike Polypeptide Chains." Protein Science 4:900-908.

The failure of newly synthesized polypeptide chains to reach the native conformation due to their accumulation as inclusion bodies is a serious problem in biotechnology. The critical intermediate at the junction between the productive folding and the inclusion body pathway has been previously identified for the P22 tailspike endorhamnosidase. We have been able to trap subsequent early intermediates in the in vitro pathway to the aggregated inclusion body state. Nondenaturing gel electrophoresis identified a sequential series of multimeric intermediates in the aggregation pathway. These represent discrete species formed from noncovalent association of partially folded intermediates rather than aggregation of native-like trimeric species. Monomer, dimer, trimer, tetramer, pentamer, and hexamer states of the partially folded species were populated in the initial stages of the aggregation reaction. This methodology of isolating early multimers along the aggregation pathway was applicable to other proteins, such as the P22 coat protein and carbonic anhydrase II.
Go to Aggregation Intermediates.


Jonathan A. King, Cameron Haase-Pettingell, Anne Skaja Robinson, Margaret A. Speed, A. Mitraki. 1995. "Thermolabile Folding Intermediates: Inclusion Body Precursors and Chaperonin Substrates." FASEB J. 10, 57-66.

An unexpected aspect of the expression of cloned genes is the frequent failure of newly synthesized polypeptide chains to reach their native state, accumulating instead as insoluble inclusion bodies. Amyloid deposits represent a related state associated with a variety of human diseases. The critical folding intermediates at the juncture of productive folding and the off pathway aggregation reaction have been identified for the phage P22 tailspike and coat proteins. Though the parallel beta coil tailspike is thermostable, an early intracellular folding intermediate is thermolabile. As the temperature of intracellular folding is increased, this species partitions to inclusion bodies, a kinetic trap within the cell. The earliest intermediates along the in vitro aggregation pathway, sequential multimers of the thermolabile folding intermediates, have been directly identified by native gel electrophoresis. Temperature sensitive folding (tsf) mutations identify sites in the beta coil domain which direct the junctional intermediate down the productive pathway. Global suppressors of tsf mutants inhibit the pathway to inclusion bodies, rescuing the mutant chains. These mutants identify sites important for avoiding aggregation. Coat folding intermediates also partition to inclusion bodies as temperature is increased. Coat tsf mutants are suppressed by overexpression of the GroE chaperonin, indicating that the thermolabile intermediate is a physiological substrate for GroE. We suggest that many proteins are likely to have thermolabile intermediates in their intracellular folding pathways, which will be precursors to inclusion body formation at elevated temperatures, and therefore substrates for heat shock chaperonins.


Barrie Greene and Jonathan King (1996) Scaffolding mutants identifying domains required for P22 procapsid assembly and maturation. Virology, 225, 82-96.

Assembly of the icosahedral shells of the dsDNA bacteriophages, herpesviruses and adenoviruses all require proteins not found in the mature virion, termed scaffolding proteins. The bacteriophage P22 precursor procapsid contains approximately 300 scaffolding molecules within a shell composed of 420 coat protein subunits. Though nonsense mutants are common, few mutants affecting the functions of the scaffolding protein have been recovered. We report here the isolation and characterization of new missense mutants unable to form infectious virions under restrictive conditions. These mutant scaffolding subunits were competent for protein folding and capsid assembly under restrictive conditions. Two mutants were defective in assembly into the procapsid of the portal complex, which serves as the channel through which DNA is packaged. These mutations may identify a region of the scaffolding protein required for interaction with the portal subunits. Two mutants in a different region of the sequence were impaired in scaffolding release from the procapsid both in vivo and in vitro. These mutations may identify a new domain required for scaffolding release. Scaffolding release appeared to be required for capsid expansion; in turn, scaffolding release seemed to depend upon the presence of a portal. This may help to order the pathway of events in phage maturation.
Go to Bacteriophage P22 Assembly.


Thuman-Commike, P. A, Barrie Greene , Jokana, J., Prasad, B. V. V., Jonathan King, Prevelige, P. E., and Chiu, W. (1996). Three-dimensional structure of scaffolding-containing phage P22 procapsids by electron cryo-microscopy. J. Mol. Biol. 260, 85-98.

The procapsids of bacterial viruses are the products of the polymerization of coat and scaffolding subunits, as well as the precursors in DNA packaging. Electron cryo-microscopy has been used to study the three-dimensional structures of bacteriophage P22 procapsids containing wild-type and mutant scaffolding proteins. The scaffolding mutant structure has been resolved to 19 ™ resolution and agrees with the 22 ™ resolutionwild-type procapsid reconstruction. Both procapsid reconstructions contain an outer icosahedral coat protein shell and an inner scaffolding protein core. The outer coat protein forms a T = 7 icosahedral lattice of pentons and skewed hexons. The distinctive channels at the centers of the pentons and hexons, first observed in the lower resolution empty procapsid structure (Prasad et al., 1993), are present. Computational isolation of the skewed hexon shows the presence of a local two-fold axis which reduces the number of unique conformations in the asymmetric unit to four at this resolution. The four unique subunits have been classified into three distinct classes based upon the shape of the upper domain, and the presence of a channel leading to the inner coat protein surface. In addition, at the inner surface of the coat protein, finger-like regions which extend towards the scaffolding protein core are present in two of the subunits. The finger-like regions suggest the presence of an ordered interaction between the inner coat protein and the scaffolding protein. However, an icosahedral scaffolding protein shell is not formed, and the inner most scaffolding protein core is not packed with icosahedral symmetry.
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