In Progress
Journal Articles
Cestnick, L. (2003). Neglect dyslexia: bridging the acquired and developmental literature.
Cestnick L., Poldrack R., Pare-Blagoev J. et al. (2003). The effects of the FastForward Reading Program on speech perception and reading: an fMRI and behavioural study.
Cestnick L. (Editor). Dyslexia Research. Nova Science Publishers.
Journal Articles
Galaburda A., Cestnick L. (2003). Developmental Dyslexia (La Dislexia del Desarrollo). Rev Neurol (Revista de Neurologia). Feb.. 36(1): 3-9.
Facoetti A, Cestnick L, Lorusso M, Paganoni P, Umilta C, Mascetti G, and Zorzi M (2003) The relationship between visual attention and nonword reading in phonological dyslexia. Neuropsychologia "in press"
Knight D., & Cestnick L. (2003). High and low IQ poor readers: remediation comparisons. Reading Research Quarterly. In press.
Cestnick L. (2001). Cross-modality temporal processing in phonological dyslexics. Brain and Cognition, 46(3), August, 319-325.
Cestnick L., & Jerger J. (2000). Auditory temporal processing and lexical/nonlexical reading in developmental dyslexics. J Am Acad Audiol 11, 501-513.
Cestnick L., & Coltheart M. (1999) The relationship between language processing and visual processing in developmental dyslexia. Cognition, July 30, 71(3), 231-255.
Cestnick L. (1998). Lyme disease in Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, Editorial, 22(5), 524.
Cestnick L. (1998). Surface dyslexia and other interesting reading patterns: new challenges for theorists. Brain and Language, Special Edition, 37(1), 193-196.
Cestnick L. (1998). Does surface dyslexia exist: the answer lies in statistical methods. Brain and Language, Special Edition, 37(1), 190-193.
Cestnick L. (1995). Motivation, autonomy and romanticism: educating our children toward societal awareness and development. Kappan. Award winning paper for contributions to Ontario Education
Cestnick L. (1999). Vision, audition and dyslexia. Doctoral Dissertation, Macquarie University, Australia.
Cestnick L. (1995). Improving discourse reading comprehension of adults with brain injuries. Masters Dissertation, Brock University, Canada.
Published Abstracts:
Cestnick L., Holowka S., Marantz A., & Galaburda A. (2003). The Neurobiology of Visual Attention. Society for Neuroscience Conference, New Orleans (November 2003). "tba".
Holowka S., Cestnick L., Marantz A., & Galaburda A. (2003). The Neurobiology of Speech Perception in Developmental Dyslexics: an MEG study. Society for Neuroscience Conference, New Orleans (November 2003). "tba"
Pare-Blagoev J., Cestnick L., Rose T., Clark J., Misra M., Katzir-Cohen, Hook P., Jones S., Galaburda A., Marantz A., & Poldrack R. (200). The neural basis of phonological awareness in normal reading children examined using fMRI. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference, San Francisco.
Cestnick, L. (2002). Multimodal temporal processing in developmental phonological dyslexics. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference, San Francisco.
Cestnick, L., Coltheart, M. (1998). Auditory temporal processing and lexical/nonlexical reading in developmental dyslexics. Psychonomics. Texas.
Coltheart, M, Dufty, D., Cestnick, L., and Bates, T. (1998) The Dual Route Model, Learning to Read, & Developmental Dyslexia. Psychonomics. Texas.
Coltheart, M, Dufty, D., Cestnick, L., and Bates, T. (1998) The Dual Route Model, Learning to Read, & Developmental Dyslexia Experimental Psychology Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia April 24-26.
Knight, D., Cestnick, L. (1997). High and low IQ poor readers: remediation comparisons. Sydney Postgraduate Conference. Sydney University, Australia.
Cestnick, L. (1997). Does developmental surface dyslexia exist: the answer lies in statistical methods. Tennet. Montreal.
Cestnick, L. (1997). Surface dyslexia and other interesting reading patterns. Tennet. Montreal.
Cestnick, L., Wagner J. (1996). Art of the chart: improving discourse reading comprehension of adults with brain injuries. International Congress of Psychology. Montreal
Cestnick, L. (1996). Diagnosing developmental dyslexics. Tennet. Montreal
Cestnick, L. (1996). Discourse reading comprehension in adults with brain injuries. Sydney Postgraduate Conference. Sydney University, Australia.
Cestnick, L., Wagner, J. (1995). Learning tools for adults with severe learning deficits. International Congress of Psychology (Education Chapter). Montreal