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The Scheduling and Logistics Research group undertakes projects and research in three different areas. Click on one of the area titles to learn more about it, or scroll down this page.
  1. Boundary Trade Offs for Production Operations
  2. Inventory Strategies in Supply Chains
  3. Manufacturing-Customer Interface Issues

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Boundary Trade Offs for Production Operations

What we are trying to solve In any production operation, the performance of the operation depends on a set of controllable factors: e.g., types and amounts of production resources; choice of operating tactics; and parameterization of control policies. For instance, some typical factors include the targeted utilization level for key production level for key production resources; the choice of batch or lot sizes; and the policies for release of work to the shop. To achieve the best overall performance requires understanding the interplay among these factors and their trade offs. The intent of this research project is to develop decision aids that can illuminate the boundary trade offs and guide a production manager in making decisions on resource acquisition, operating tactics, and production control policies.
Description of the project Whereas we seek generic problems, we also expect that the relevant factors and trade offs will vary greatly across industries and production contexts. Hence, we anticipate that the research will start by being context specific, and thus will entail a variety of company-based projects. Presumably, priority will go to the projects that are more likely to be broadly applicable. From these projects, we expect to develop decision support tools for the examination and analysis of the relevant trade offs, as well as new insights or principles for setting the factors to obtain the optimal trade offs. We also will attempt to develop more general frameworks for viewing the factors and their interplay.

There is a great amount of academic research that has examined boundary trade offs, as defined here. We will attempt to draw upon this work wherever possible. Indeed, we expect that in many cases the research will be to determine how to adapt "off the shelf" models and results to the real world of manufacturing. In this respect, these opportunities may be ideal for LFM interns.

Goals, milestones, and deliverables The primary short-term deliverables will be documentation and learning's from the study and modeling of trade offs in various partner manufacturing contexts; we also will develop a tool kit for the analysis and optimization of these trade offs.
Investigators Balakrishnan; Gershwin; Graves; Magnanti; Nguyen; Rosenfield; Wein; in collaboration with MIT graduate students; LFM interns; and colleagues from industry labs.
Qualitative metrics Expected customer: All management levels
Expected use time frame: Medium and short-term
Expected benefits: High

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Inventory Strategies in Supply Chains

What we are trying to solve There are many generic issues associated with the management of inventories over a supply chain. These issues include:
  • Choice between Make to Stock vs. Make to Order
  • Inventory planning in the context of yield uncertainty and product binning
  • Placement and sizing of strategic inventory buffers across the supply chain
  • Choice of production control strategy: e.g. push vs. pull
  • Centralized vs. decentralized safety stocks
  • How to buffer the supply chain against uncertainties in demand and in supply : Production smoothing vs inventories
  • Inventory strategies for short product life cycles
  • Supply chain benefits from component communality or modularity in product design
  • Alternative supply chain configurations or architectures
  • Supply chain dynamics - understanding and controlling springboard or bullwhip phenomena

Description of the project We wish to understand and model the various tactical decisions and trade offs, develop corresponding decision support tools, and implement and exercise these tools in various contexts. One objective is to create a tool kit that would be useful for addressing the various issues outlined above in several relevant contexts. A second objective is to discover general principles for determining inventory strategies for the design and management of a supply chain.
Goals, milestones, and deliverables The primary short-term deliverables will be learning's from the study and analysis of particular issues, as described above; we also will develop a tool kit for addressing these issues, and document experiences applying these tools in practice.
Investigators Balakrishnan; Gershwin; Graves; Magnanti; Nguyen; Rosenfield; Wein; in collaboration with MIT graduate students; LFM interns; and colleagues from industry labs.
Qualitative metrics Expected customer: Middle and senior management
Expected use time frame: Medium and short-term
Expected benefits: High

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Manufacturing-Customer Interface Issues

What we are trying to solve Manufacturing plants are becoming more customer service conscious. They want to improve their service and responsiveness to customers by quoting more accurate lead times during order negotiation, reducing delays between order entry and scheduling, providing timely order status information, and accommodating customer contingencies. They are also expanding their roles to include services such as "turnkey" supply- procuring complementary items from other sources and providing consolidated shipments to customers - and management of customer inventories. With the emergence of electronic commerce, manufacturers have greater and (almost) instantaneous access to detailed data from both suppliers and customers (e.g., real-time information from point-of-sale or point-of-use). The challenge is to eliminate the barriers between customers and the shop floor and exploit the available data with a view towards providing better service at lower cost.
Description of the project Streamlining the manufacturing-customer interface requires both improving the connectivity between interfunctional (e.g. sales and manufacturing) and interorganizational (e.g., suppliers' and customers') information systems, and building relevant customer-driven models to support various production and logistics decisions. This project will focus on modeling rather than information issues. Models are requried to determine accurate due dates for prospective orders, construct fine capacity schedules on-line, develop cost-effective distribution plans coordinated with procurement and production, dynamically reschedule production and delivery to respond to contingencies, and forecast product mix and volume based upon detailed end-use data.
Goals, milestones, and deliverables The project will first identify, via case studies and internship projects, some specific new research and modelling opportunities relating to manufacturing-customer integration. Potential areas to investigate include due date quotation, contingency planning, capacity planning for quick response, and customer-operations interaction mechanisms. This exercise can then lead to context-specific or generic modelling projects.
Investigators Balakrishnan; Gershwin; Graves; Magnanti; Nguyen; Rosenfield; Wein; in collaboration with MIT graduate students; LFM interns; and colleagues from industry labs.
Qualitative metrics Expected customer: Middle and senior management
Expected use time frame: Medium and short-term
Expected benefits: High

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