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Multi-Model Production Line Design

Updated: 03-March-97

Student: Brian Tomlin
Companies: GM
Advisor: Professor Stephen C. Graves
Contact Info: (617)-253-6638
Organization: MIT Sloan School
Address: E53-364
50 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA 02142

Project Goals

To develop algorithms to aid in the design of multi-model production lines, especially those in which there is a significant cost to inter stage buffer spaces. The types of design decisions we hope to enhance are :

The aim is to enable the design of low cost production lines that are robust to changes in the relative demand of the various models.

Project Progress

With GM, a design methodology has been developed that enables the identification of a low cost production line design that encompasses production line configuration and buffer placement for the case of a specified target throughput and a given model mix ratio.

This methodology starts with a given task to station assignment and does not address the issue of model mix uncertainty.

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