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Updated: 7-Apr-97
Student: | Jennifer Felch |
Companies: | HP |
Advisors: | Steve Graves & Al Drake |
Supervisors: | Wolfgang Krull & Wolfgang Strenzl |
Contact Info: | mitjfelch@aol.com |
Organization: | MIT LFM |
Developing a methodology and actual supply chain models for inventory analysis. One of the most interesting results of the project is a model that simulates some of the dynamics of the PC industry and the resulting effect on customer delivery of a PC based medical solution. This model looks at the rapid evolution of the PC, where there are model/component changes every 6 months, and the impact on the supply chain for a PC based medical product.
The model is being used by the HP PMD manufacturing group to determine the appropriate inventory policy to minimize costs while providing reliable and timely customer service. One result of this model is an inventory savings of approximately $500,000 per year.