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Strategic Supply Chain Inventory Placement

Updated: 3-Feb-97

Student: Sean Willems
Companies: Kodak
Advisor: Professor Steve Graves
Contact Info: (617)-253-0250
fax (617)-258-7579
Organization: Sloan School OM Group
Address: Room E53-364A
50 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA 02142

Project Goals

The goal of the project is to develop an optimization model that determines where to place strategic safety stock across a supply chain that is subject to demand or forecast uncertainty. The model can be used by both supply chain managers who want to take a higher level view of the supply chain and by materials management personnel who want to see how changes in one part of the supply chain influence the entire supply chain's performance.

Project Progress

A software application has been created for both Macintosh and Windows environments (95 or NT). You can get to the code in the Archives area.

The model has been applied to twelve supply chains at Kodak with impressive results. For several of the product flows, inventories have been reduce by 50% or more.

We are now in the process of applying the model to other companies, and we would be interested in hearing from anyone who thinks they might want to become involved in the project.

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